14 Apr 2014

Adair Acoustic 

For those who want quality audio you first need to listen to it, there are only a few places this can be done and most of those are tied to a single brand or brands. So it was quite a surprise to me to find an independent shop in central London.

It is not a shop in the conventional meaning of the word. It is on the second floor on the Clerkenwell Road quite near Old Street Tube. However I found it surprisingly quiet and easy to listen with the buses that passed being only a tiny noise.

It consists of a single very large room where a whole range of items from high quality headphones, speakers, DAB radios, LP decks and perhaps most important all the cables and other connections are available to link together.

As far as music is concerned they have a large range of CD’s, LP’s and perhaps more important higher quality music on a PC available to be played to find what parts will form what you require from a whole range of high quality manufacturers from around the world.

They are also quite happy for you to bring your own CD’s or audio files. You are able to select which units to match with which headphones or speakers.

Do not expect bargain basement prices, the equipment they sell is quality.

I have always been an audio fan and thoroughly enjoyed my visit, the staff were helpful and offered advice about what they considered might go with what.

A look at their website (link below) will give you an idea of what could be available at what sort of price.

They also do installations when required and while they are London based I asked the question and was told the home counties and even Bristol was within their work range for installations.

A lot of famous names were mentioned during conversations but I mention just three who are on one of their flyers so they must have approved it, Mark Knopfler from my day and two more recent names Will Young and a certain Harry Styles.

To give you an idea of single component prices DAB units from £179 to £600. Headphones from £50 to £2000. Speakers from ATC, £800 to £15000 and for those looking for an LP deck £200 to £1100.

Their website has details of most of the brands they cover and should you think it worth a visit ring or email first.

www.adairacoustic.co.uk - 0207 253 2326


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