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The Brother DCP-9015CDW colour, multi-function printer measures 40x45x37cm and weights over 23kilos and around four kilos more in its box.
The off white colour means it might just get by the lounge police; it has clean lines and could even pass as a coffee table when not in use. There are just two connections at the rear USB back left and power back right.
There is no sheet feed so the rear 30cm is perfectly flat and it just rises to place a sheet of paper on the scanner.
What might incur the wroth of he/she who must be obeyed is the dark grey strip to form the front edge down to the copious paper input tray. There is an 8.2x4.8cm TFT screen in the centre of this area with just an on/off button towards the right edge.
Once unpacked you install the software from the supplied optical disc which when I checked after the 15 minute installation had taken 1.3GB of hard disc space.
Several recent installations of software prefer you to setup the Wi-Fi connection during the installation by attaching a USB cable which is not always practical and I found it far easier to set it up from the machine which is easy to do from the TFT as if you have WPS on your router you do not even need to enter your password, without WPS a small keyboard is listed on the TFT with the numeric keys being a separate highlighted area. I found this far quicker than getting a USB cable and a notebook within range to do the connection via USB cable.
There is a Quick Setup Guide (40 pages) which has all the information about both Wi-Fi and USB Setup and it also includes information for the sister model the DCP-9020 which has Ethernet as well.
Even before the setup to the PC has been done you can use the unit as a copy machine and ‘up to 18PPM’ can be copied with no distinction between colour or monochrome.
The Guide makes no mention of Windows 10 but as I installed it on that machine without problem I can say it works. I note it also states it works on Windows XP as well or course as Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
The paper input tray is 250 sheets and the output shelf is stated to hold 100 sheets, I would not argue with either figure and regular readers will know that is rare for me.
Printing single sided up to 18PPM and double sided up to 7PPM again colour or monochrome.
Scanning can be to email, PDF, image or OCR the latter with the supplied Nuance Paper Port 12 software.
This is designed for office use but it could also easily work for SOHO users hence my reference above to the ‘lounge police’.
As with a lot of manufacturers it comes with ‘starter cartridges’ stated to last 1000 pages, normal monochrome cartridges last 2500 pages and the three separate colour ones 1400 pages.
Only my back did not like this unit as it is not really a one person lift, if you do lift it on your own I am sure Health and Safety would disown you.
The Brother DCP-9015CDW is available from the first link below for £229.49.