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The Canon PowerShot G16 compact digital camera measures 9.5x7.5x4cm, the last figure can double when fully zoomed. The unit weights 354grams.
As with most recent offerings it has Wi-Fi to transfer images and of course to let you know where you took that great sunset.
The right side has neck strap anchor point and a door behind which are connections for AV and HDMI so you can show your videos direct to your TV. The base has a tripod screw and a door behind which is the solid battery and any SD card you use. The lefty side has only the other connection for the neck strap.
The face has the 5x lens, light sensor, the viewfinder is set a tad to the right of the lens solely so it fits within the confines of the case but this is compensated for, lastly a good rubberised grip on the right side for fingers to get a firm hold.
The back has a 6.7x4.5cm TFT that can be used to capture as well as view images. Centrally above this is the rear of the viewfinder, both the viewfinder and TFT remain live. To the right is the view images button and then to the right of the slightly small thumb anchor point is the instant video button as well as another well marked button, as you go down the right side of the back two pairs of well marked buttons with the ubiquitous joystick control in between.
This leaves the top which has the manually raised built in flash, in use the options for this are off or fire when needed this can sometimes be a problem when there is a lot of light behind subjects but little on the items being captured. Above the viewfinder is a shoe for an external flash. Next an eleven position wheel and set partly under it a -3 to +3 control with two stops between each point. At the back of the top the on/off button and the shutter release with zoom control around it. This is a very busy top and as such perhaps rather daunting for the novice user.
Using the centre of the joystick (Function Set) button allows you to change a lot of features quickly. Auto Driver, Self Timer, Shape of image, Size of Image and size of Video.
Still images can be captured in 16:9, 3:2, 4:3, 1:1 and 4:5. As with all Canon units the size is described as L, M1, M2 or S. As an example in 4:3 mode these sizes would be 12MP, 6MP, 2MP and VGA.
For video there are four modes 1920x1080 60FPS, 1920x1080 30FPS, 1280x720 30FPS and VGA. All modes and sizes has a number of shots or shooting time shown to the right of the selection display.
A few of the cameras features in the remaining space, over 9FPS in burst mode, 28mm field view, steady shot for all uses and RAW shot availability are just some of the things possible with this powerful PowerShot unit. For someone who wants a powerful non DSLR unit then look no further.
The Canon PowerShot G16 is available from the first link below for £279.99 with free delivery.