iPlayer+ US Robotics and Smart SCART 

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Quite a combination, I first reviewed the iPlayer+ in May, the US Robotics connectivity was immanent but by the time I got the iPlayer+ back it was December and by then a third component.

Everything I said about the iPlayer+ in May is still true except that you cannot now install without the phone connection and there are even more extras that the US Robotics connection can take advantage of.


So with the knowledge that you can read what I wrote in May as well as what M.Fereday wrote on 5/11/05 I will pass on to the US Robotics kit.


This consists of a Wireless MAXg ADSL Gateway and the bit that connects to the iPlayer+ the Wireless MAXg USB adapter.


After you have installed a router/modem once doing it again is simple as all units seem to work to the same basic premise. As always remember that the modem/router – if not left permanently on – should always be switched on at the same time or before the PC or PC’s. In this case it is likely that the iPlayer+ is likely to be the last unit switched on. Of course should you already have a wireless modem/router you only need a compatible Wireless USB adapter.


I always find that getting PC’s to connect to the outside world (Internet) is easier than getting them to talk to each other but stick at it and despite Windows best efforts (they call it security) it should be possible.


In most cases an older notebook would connect via a PCMCIA card, the more recent ones probably have both at least 10/100 and wireless built in. But a USB adapter could be used. Here however this was reserved for the iPlayer+.


The basic scenario is you have finished work and are relaxing in front of the TV but you are waiting for an important email, using the iPlayer+ you can view it on the screen of the TV. Not quite sure how the family will respond in the middle of a soap opera but with luck you can use the advert breaks.


You may have recently noticed adverts on the BBC for audio description this is an add on service at £9.99 that supports the iPlayer+. Want to send an SMS message you can do so, you can also receive them on the iPlayer+. If you have caller ID you can again view to find out who is calling, as you can also view a call log, these services are available but are chargeable. So there is no need to leave your chair or couch to answer the phone should it be the double glazing salesman. Full details of these extras at


However should all this not be enough another piece of technology is Phantom Plus this is a special SCART lead that should make setting the video recorder all but foolproof. It uses the seven day programming guide inside the iPlayer+ (it’s actually will work up to midnight on the 8th day). What you do is select the program from the guide press the red button and providing the Phantom Plus is connected to your video (or DVD) recorder it is automatically activated and turned to the correct channel at the right time to record, it then switches the video to standby after the recording. Of course you could setup the recording for the iPlayer+ and then set it up again on the video but doing it twice means twice the chance of a mistake.


Getting three pieces of kit to work in unison was surprisingly easy, I have no doubt that one day everything I have described will be one box but we are not there currently. The Phantom Plus can be purchased from the iPlayer site above. The US Robotics USB Adapter and Wireless MAXg ADSL gateway from As these items were supplied separately I cannot give an accurate rating for the whole lot, look at this as a technology. I note that iPlayer+ are now advertising another Wireless USB adapter and that I have not tested.

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