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The Million Pound Drop
If my memory serves my right the last one of these type of games I looked at was Deal or no Deal and I suspect everyone has watched that at some time or other. Here I must admit that I have never watched – more than a trailer – for The Million Pound Drop.
It is a team game for those aged twelve to adult. Given that kids will run a mile from Monopoly or Cludeo what has The Million Pound Drop got to bring them to the table it is of course the chance to win – or lose lots of money.
Firstly you have to build the set (table) all the bits are supplied and the folded (four sides of ‘A5’) rules show all the illustrations required this forms the trap doors that are the integral part of the game.
The object is to be the team with the most money left after answering eight multiple choice questions. There are three game colour cards red has four answers, blue has three and yellow two. The first four rounds use the red cards, rounds 5-7 use the blue and round eight only used the yellow. If you have seen the TV game you probably know this.
Probably far more dramatic with the money falling through traps on the TV than a piece of card saying 25K in the board game but like most of these games a range of ages is probably the best way to win and or lose a fortune.
With so many games requiring ‘batteries’ its nice to see one that the only technology is sand falling through an egg time to give the thinking and negotiating time. Making the table is fun but what do you do with it between games?
The Million Pound Drop is available from the link below for £24.50 with free delivery.

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The Box of Shocks
Something like this can only be how good the reaction is from your victim. Stated as age 8+ I suspect most players will be pre teens.
There are twelve tricks in the box. They are The Whispering Magician, Snake Can, Spider Box, Fake Egg, Small Plastic Hand, Vanishing Ink, Ketchup Bottle, World’s Deadliest Creatures. Magic Glass, Squirting Chewing Gum, Pen Through Hand and Finger Breaker.
Things like pouring water into a glass and throwing it over your victim the trick is they do not get wet. Squirting ketchup over someone but it does not stain. Draw a black line on someone’s sleeve but it does not leave a mark.
All things that a young person will find great fun but of course do not try them with real ketchup or a marker pen as the results will not be the same, probably just very angry parents both yours and theirs. Do study the Instruction Book.
Will this lead to the next Paul Daniels or Tommy Cooper, maybe, but of course the real thing take lots of practice.
The Box of Shocks is available from the link below for £15.00 with free delivery.