The first is something to aid the placing and fitting of hook in walls etc, in fact its the perfect complete kit of items. The second is something I will never wear in anger but maybe if you are half my age these are serious trekking shoes.
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Hang Buddy Pro
In crude terms its looks like a stapler for walls and what it sends out is pins, pegs and hooks.
It is 17x10x4cm. I am sure we all have - at the very least - banged a finger with a hammer when trying to hang a picture on a wall.
With Hang Buddy Pro it’s as simple as ‘Load’, ‘Level’ and ‘Press’. To explain first decide if you want a pin, a hook or a peg, second line up to make it level, the unit has a spirit level built in to assist that job, then simply press the knob on the end, yes I said press as no hammer is required simply pressure from the base of your palm should suffice.
Full instructions are on the back of the blister pack. Regular readers will know I detest these packs made of near indestructible plastic for two reasons, first you probably injure yourself opening them with industrial scissors and second where do you keep the contents when open. Of course it’s all for the retailers benefit as they sell themselves on the shelf or hook.
Hang Buddy Pro is available from the link below for £14.99; it also shows a video of how to use it.

click image to enlarge
KSO Treksport
These are comfortable enough to be used as slippers and tough enough for use on rocky ground when out and about.
My first shock was they are a very snug fit; they need to be for the ‘trek’ use they are really intended for. Perhaps a bigger shock is that you have to wear them without socks simply because each toe has its own part to fit into, this of course gives excellent grip as each toes can move independently to get grip when walking off road.
I never used them in that way partly because I am very unfit and secondly because I am a wimp and they came to me just as the worst and longest winter for many years arrived. I used them around the house and for the odd trip to the wheelie bins with rubbish.
Certainly they would soon become waterlogged by heavy rain. For those with sensitive noses they have ‘aegis microbe shield’ to keep it fresh.
The sole can best be described a like a type very tough but surprisingly comfortable to wear. The sides are top are a stretchable rubberised material that you really need to extend to fit your foot in and of course fit each toe into their own receptacle, unless your toes are very well behaved and regular this will take at least a couple of attempts.
There is a rubberised band 1.5cm wide that runs around the outside near the top of the shoe/slipper to help to grip. The top is secured by a Velcro band linked across for added grip but I found for the less strenuous tasks I gave it that was not required to be fastened as the material over the top is also rubberised and so grips the foot securely.
The material has tiny holes in it to allow air to circulate so feet do not become sweaty. This I see is called Coconut Active Carbon which is breathable and abrasion resistant. This is a nice idea for those who go off road with the tough sole.
The KSO Treksport is available from around £80 dependant on size and colour.