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The size of hard discs continue to rise so people expect the size of memory sticks to keep pace. With USB3 starting to attract attention moving larger files quickly is getting ever easier. Of course the more data you carry the more disastrous the outcome should unencrypted files fall into the wrong hands. Here lets deal with size.
Verbatim Executive USB Drive
I have seen two of these such devices at 8GB and 16GB they are not light as they are made of metal and the USB plug slides out of the casing when required. Each of the drives (sticks) weigh in at 33grams, memory it seems is weightless.
They are 6cm long 2.3cm wide and a maximum of 1cm thick. This may on occasions cause more than one USB slot to be taken so ensure if this is the case that you have a USB3 cable to get the best transfer speed from it.
The top of the unit has a slider USB plug that clicks in or out with a nice solid motion to extend the length by 1.3cm.
The top end of the drive has a substantial key ring attachment so it will certainly not break off and with the surrounds of the case being a solid metal no real danger of damage clanking around in your pocket or bag from other keys.
They are available from the link below and should shortly be available from other sources.
Now how about the other end of the scale tiny in size and weight with a couple of 2GB offerings. One from Freecom and the other from Verbatim.
It’s the first time in my life I have called 2GB small as my first hard drive (not stick drive) was only a few MB.
Freecom Data Bar XXS
This is 3cm long, 1.3cm wide and .3cm thick. It weights only 2grams. It comes with a ring and lead to attach to a keyring. I would think myself it would be safer in a wallet as the USB contacts are exposed all the time and could become damaged when bouncing along with keys in a pocket.
Available in sizes from 4GB to 16GB from the link below.
Verbatim Clip It
This is 3.5cm long by 1.2cm wide and between .4cm and .2cm thick dependant on the end you have. Just like the Freecom unit above the USB contacts are always exposed however they will have a far quieter life as there is no hole to attach to a key ring as it is designed to hold a few sheets of paper in place and maybe save the planet.
Scenario 1 you have to give a presentation (Power Point) and you need presenter notes. Put the notes on paper for you to refer to – never read – and put the power point on the Paper Clip to be read by a PC or notebook.
Scenario 2 you need to circulate plans and notes. Printing the plans will be expensive but sending a protected PDF and a paper attachment to outline the project. Easier reading and certainly easier viewing for all concerned.
Available in eight colours and both 2GB and 4GB in size from the link below.