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LED Desktop Fan
This is a maximum of 27cm tall on its base but it is likely to be a great deal less at probably no more than 20cm as the link between the base and the fan is bendable in any direction as much as you like. The base is 9x9cm and triangular giving the fan reasonable stability. The total weight of the unit is less than 90grams overall.
The actual head is 8cm across and the blades look floppy one is clear and the other has a brown strip down the centre. This strip when on displays the message which can be several words long (up to 21 characters).
There can be several messages repeated sequentially. It is technically possible to have up to eight messages displayed.
The blades being soft will not damage anything – like a child’s finger – when placed in the flow of the blades.
A CD is provided with the software required to input your messages onto the fans blade. There is a simple on off push switch on the base and power is supplied it the unit by a supplied 1.2metre USB lead.
There is a video on the link below that shows the fan in use.
The LED Message Fan is available from the link below for $14 (US) plus $3 (US) whatever the size of your order.

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USB Cannon Fan
This is 10cm tall, 13cm wide and 12cm deep. It is available in yellow, green or pink. The green one has side pods in a different shade of green, the yellow one has blue pods while the pink one I was sent has violet pods.
It comes with a 1.2metre USB lead but can also be powered by 3x‘AAA’ batteries. The USB lead fits in the back of the left pod and just above this is a three position switch down for USB, centre for off and up for batteries.
Just like the other fan above the blades will not hurt anyone and I tested this by placing my finger in them both under battery and USB power.
If you are getting this unit for a young child then I would suggest using the battery option as then there is no lead.
It was extremely stable and the overall weight is less than 150grams, if used with batteries this will add another 35grams to the overall weight. The batteries fit inside the right pod of the unit, but it is still very stable.
The USB Cannon Fan is available from the link below for $12 (US) plus $3 (US) P&P whatever the size of your order.
If neither of the above suit your needs then enter fan in the search engine on the Brando site and choose from fifty different offerings that vary in price from $9 to $24.