It is rare that I review something that is Free in its early days I reviewed Skype when it was more or less the first of its kind. So why am I reviewing a free Android Business Suite, for one reason only, it claims 100% Microsoft Office compatibility.
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You need access to the Google Play Store on your device which most recent Android devices have.
While it is described as a business suite each part needs to be downloaded separately they are TextMaker Mobile, Planmaker Mobile and Presentations Mobile.
Entering any of the three items above should find all three items from SoftMaker Software. In my tests on a mobile phone and a Tablet they appeared as numbers 1, 2 and 6 in the list with pay versions of what appears to be the same products as 3, 4 and 5. However the items I reviewed are all flashed ‘Free’.
The TextMaker package is an 8.67MB download and installs quickly over Wi-Fi.
Once opened a blank page is shown with ten small icons at the bottom of the page and dependant on which item touched a further line of icons will open above with a variety of choices.
The last of the icons on the bottom line is a ‘?’ which should give enough help to enable you to work on your device without problem.
Under the Welcome is the statement ‘Welcome to TextMaker Mobile the only word processor that renders your documents on smartphones and tablets exactly like on a PC.’
So I imported a range of documents and they did indeed display correctly and all characters I used seemed to be in place. The bigger test was to make some changes and to save the document in a variety of word formats and then reimport the files to the PC, this I did and again everything looked fine.
Planmaker Mobile this is the somewhat unusual name for the spreadsheet App it took 8.67MB of space to download. I am not a huge spreadsheet user and while everything looks fine to me the real test of this is with formula and how they work and this is beyond my understanding or use so maybe someone can comment on this once published.
Lastly Presentations Mobile the PowerPoint equivalent which App takes 7.09MB of space, again I am not a heavy user and my use is to mainly to read PowerPoint files sent to me which it again seems to do correctly.
To be fair to other Apps which sometimes seem to be Free Apps they also seem to read the basic files of Word, Excel and PowerPoint that I tend to be involved with.
The most adventurous part of Word I delve into involves some non-keyboard symbols such as fractions which do seem to import correctly. These are some symbols that transferred correctly ½ ¼ € ® ©.
All can be downloaded from the google play store at if you do not already have an icon on your android desktop. Then just enter any of the three items mentioned above and be careful to select the FREE version.