A range of companies have Xmas In July events to show what they consider will be their big sellers or must have items for the Christmas selling period, one of those is the Dixons Store Group who have a help scheme called Knowhow.
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Go into most of their stores and you can get help and advice from a Knowhow expert.
They have just launched a range of online assist tools to help with twenty one subjects and of course they would make an excellent gift. Often people use something without really understanding it and a lot of users will not feel able to ask for help either because they are too proud or possibly too scared.
Some are more basic than others and according to the depth the cost of the course varies. The beauty of these courses is that they are online and once purchased you have a code and that enables you to complete the modules once or as often as you want, some are just on screen others require data and files to be downloaded.
I will list the full range at the end of this item but for now I will concentrate on one such package.
Learn How To Use Your Android Phone.
If you do not have an ‘i’ device then you probably have an Android Phone often called a SmartPhone and while most can make and receive calls, send a text and do other basics a large number are hazy about what else it can do.
This is one of the simpler courses with a pleasant Irish lady’s voice talking and demonstrating over an Android screen. Just Ten points cover the course but each area takes a while and it is clever enough to remember where you were when you last logged off.
The course is called Ten Cool Tricks and Tips. The ten sub headings are Widget Tips and Tricks, Modifying an Image, Sharing Images Online, Social Networking Tips, Book Reading Tips, Playing Music, Don’t Answer – Just Send a Text, Save Your Map for Offline Use, Performing Onscreen Keyboard Tricks and Chromecast.
While most users will understand what those headings refer too when you go to an individual module you will probably learn something maybe just a quicker way to do something maybe something that you did not know could be done and in some cases you may know it all.
I use an Android SmartPhone every day and I learn things especially things that I could do elsewhere but had never tried on a phone.
Each modules length varies but to just hear and watch straight through may take five to ten minutes dependant on content. This of course varies according to the subject some will take far longer. This course is available from the link below for £10.
Currently there are twenty courses available they are:-
- Adobe Photoshop
- Android Phone Tips and Tricks
- Android Tablet
- Apple iPhoto
- Apple Keynote
- Apple Numbers
- Apple Pages
- Chromebook
- Excel Level 1
- Intro to iPad
- Intro to MAC
- iPhone Tips and Tricks
- iPhone User Guide
- OneNote 2013
- Outlook 2013
- Photoshop for Digital Photos
- PowerPoint 2013
- Windows 8.1
- Word 2013
Currently I can only find prices for some of the modules on the Currys website they tend to be between £10 and £30 each. If you start in the search box with Knowhow and then say Chromebook, so you type Knowhow Chromebook it comes up with details for that course at £10.