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It is strange to release two versions both in the same release year this version however has more new features as well as a longer title ‘Acronis 2017 New Generation’.
I am sure everyone has heard of Ransomware a very nasty infection that encrypts your files and while ‘Anti-Virus’ and ‘Internet Security’ packages do their best sometimes the nasty people win out.
Acronis have devised another way of fighting them with backups in the Cloud that stop the Ransomware from getting at your files with a method called Blockchain. Once your files are backed up they are safe and even years later the original can still be retrieved. This of course could have been edited dozens of times but for someone like an author or musician it could be years later when he/she has to prove they wrote something on a certain date even at a certain time, Acronis Notary is now part of Acronis 2017 when you backup to the Cloud.
The Cloud itself can be in various places in the world you can choose, if there are places that you feel are more secure. Linked in with it something else called ‘A Sign’ – digital signatures - that could in years to come be part of British law which can protect both the individual and the company.
For a lot of people the PC or MAC is not their day to day device, while this is not me I am amazed at what information people rely on their phone to carry, and amazingly a good number of these have no real idea where – assuming they have any backup plan – their data is should they lose their phone, have their phone stolen or other mishap maybe a car accident even.
So for those people – and I know there are many – Acronis can now backup mobile devices and even cross platform for recovery so your MAC files can be recovered on other media.
Some people say MAC’s are safe from problems, I was told by a security expert that the very first virus was written to work on a MAC.
For Business users Acronis Snap Deploy allows you to deploy an exact disc image to dozens or even hundreds of computers, surely an IT managers tool of choice.
Full details of these and other new tools in the final link.
For me and my two machines the upgrade to Acronis 2017 New Generation was totally painless, a download of the new version and you are up and running, it knows where your current backups are and you just do the next backup as you would normally. You may need to enter a new serial number but that’s all, a lot of the new features are not available for those who store locally as locally is where Ransonware can strike.
In a recent Acronis in London presentation the group of journalists were told life’s requirements are ‘Air, Water, Food, Shelter plus Data Protection’.
A final few words from that Acronis presentation the latest version of Acronis 2017 New Generation can support unmounted NAS drives.
This is currently available for personal and home users; a version for business will follow. However nothing costs something and most of my programs including web pages and my email collection tool now open more slowly as a result of this Acronis protection.
Acronis 2017 New Generation is currently available from the first link below from as little as £19.99 full details below for 1, 3 or 5 computers.