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So while the PowerShot range is still considered to be more advanced than the IXUS this is as small in volume as most IXUS offerings.
However even someone using a lot of cameras will need to think here as while finding the on/off is easy as is selecting either still or video mode both are on the side of the unit as are Wi-Fi connection and review on the TFT screen.
How do you take a still image, for video you use the TFT to start and stop very easy but for still images this does not work. How do you zoom into an image there are no more buttons. The outside of the lens rotates to zoom in and out much like you twist the ring on a DSLR but still no chance to take an image.
There is an LED flash above the lens on the top right so careful not to use your left hand if flash is needed as you will block it. The TFT is 6.5x4.7cm which is 2.8inches diagonal measurement.
I nearly resorted to RTFM but almost by mistake I found the answer to the shutter it is also around the outside of the lens in another ring and the normal half press to focus and then a little more to capture works exactly as it should and providing you use your right hand good images if the flash is required.
A feature becoming more common is the 180 flip of the TFT enabling the Selfie or seeing behind you.
The Micro SD Card is fiddly to fit or remove so Wi-Fi transfer is a better option, the card fits onto the bottom on the left side and requires the TFT to be opened to aid removal or insertion. Just above this on the side is a rubber bung that hides USB socket for charging the solid battery, this looks a lot like a ‘AA’ battery but only in shape as this too must be smaller to fit everything into this small package.
This just leaves the base that has a tripod screw.
The PowerShot N2 weights 200 grams and is 9.7x6.2x3cm when off, the last figure increases by up to another 3cm when fully zoomed in. This is 8x optical which can be increased to 32x with digital but to take any images at this sort of zoom really needs a tripod.
You can take still images in 16:9, 4:3, 3:2 or 1:1 the best is 4:3 and is 16MP, as with almost all Canon units you can capture in L, M1, M2 or S.
Video can be full HD, HD or VGA all at 30FPS.
I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the flash images given the small .5cm LED flash and the range it worked at. The default is Auto Flash on and provided flash is allowed I found the camera knew best.
I am naturally left handed but use most cameras quite happily with my right and after a few fumbling early efforts soon said to myself assume it’s a normal camera and all was fine.
The Canon PowerShot N2 is available from the link below for £224.74 with free delivery.