These days getting an appointment to see a doctor is harder than ever, when/if you get one often one of the tasks the doctor does is take your blood pressure. A lot of surgeries introduced phone consultations during Covid and of course taking blood pressure remotely is impossible so being able to take it yourself can give the doctor useful information.
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click image to enlargeSome ‘health’ watches can take your pulse as it sits on your wrist, without getting technical your pulse is a single figure and your heart rate is two different figures so while the amalgam given by the reading on the watch is a guide it is not your heart rate.
The unit is triangular in shape. It is 10cm wide, a maximum of 8cm high and 14cn from back to front.
The display is clear and very easy to read, there are six blocks going up the left side of the display as the pressure on your arm is increased, these also diminish as the second figure is captured.
You should not talk during a test nor should you hold your breath.
After the test is finished you should see three figures on the display systolic, diastolic and your pulse part way through the reading a heart symbol will be displayed this tells that your pulse has been detected.
It can run either on four ‘AA’ batteries or on a USB to USB ‘C’ lead. The former is easier as it means you are far less restricted in where to carry out tests.
I found the cuff a good size I know often in the doctors their cuff does not expand enough especially if you are wearing a jersey.
There are four touch buttons ‘Set’, to allow time and date to be entered and providing the batteries do not die this setting is kept. ‘Start’ to start the inflation of the cuff, ‘Stop’ to turn the device off. ‘Mem’ to save readings. This unit can save readings for two people A and B.
There is a very good two language User Manual the first 32 pages in German and the second 32 pages in English. The 50cm lead connecting the cuff to the machine is adequate for use in the home.
I have used several blood pressure cuffs over the years and this one is the easiest to use and has a display suitable even if your eyesight is less than perfect.
The Emporia Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor is available from the link below for £44.95 but if you sign up for their emails your first order gets 10% discount so that becomes £40.45.