A lot of energy drinks do not taste that good and they often have a lot of E numbers. Here are three different energy gels that are all honey based and all the contents are stated to be natural and when I don my glasses to read the list of ingredients of the back of the sachets there are only two or three items listed according to the flavour.
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Each of the sachets contains 22g of carbohydrate in the 30g sachet.
The three flavors are Original, Blueberry and Strawberry; the Original contains only Honey and Sea Salt while the other two contain Honey, Juice concentrate and Sea Salt.
While you could no doubt buy some honey, sea salt and get some juice concentrate I very much doubt they would taste the same as these sachets and you would probably end up with a very messy kitchen.
Dr. Jamie Pugh of Liverpool James Moore University is conducting a long term study to compare the benefits of natural ingredients for energy v man made. The study compares breath and blood samples before, during and after exercise to see how it is absorbed.
Honey has a unique carbohydrate composition of natural sugars and antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
Dr. Pugh goes on to say ‘It is the perfect natural energy source and has everything the body needs to support an effective workout and is ideal for recovering muscles. We look forward to seeing the results of the study to compare how the body absorbs a natural boost compared to a synthetic.’
My workouts are never more than a rapid walk when I am late for a train but unlike a lot of other such things – that often taste fowl – these taste nice and while my tests are certainly not scientific it may be only coincidental but I did feel less tired after having taken one.
The original was my least favorite as I am not normally a honey fan and with only the sea salt to mask the taste it was not for me.
The strawberry was OK but seemed a little sweet. By far my favorite was the Blackberry as it did not taste as sweet as the other two.
My own thoughts would be a raspberry flavor.
However I am well aware that the vast majority of people this product is aimed at would be a great deal younger than me.
The Gels are available from the link below. A taster pack of two of each of the three flavors is £9 and four of each are currently on special offer for £12.
All – Hilltop Energy (hilltop-energy.com)