This is a piece of software that in its basic form anyone can download for FREE. I tend to be rather suspicious of any software that claims to speed up your PC, in fact hardly a month goes by without me being offered such items, normally from an unknown source.
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Here however I know the company as I have used their software for many years in the CD and DVD arena. Here – still with my normal caution – I heaved out a notebook that hardly ever gets to see daylight as it is so slow.
I downloaded the software and put it through the ‘free’ tests it found a number of problems, a lot of unnecessary files and offered to uninstall several programs that were redundant. I let it have free reign and I was only needed to accept a few prompts to uninstall several of the programs that needed my authority.
The result was a notebook that boots far quicker and that has more space, total time from the download less than an hour.
I cannot give figures as I did not measure any action I just watched apart from the authority I had to give for some uninstalls.
So next I moved onto a system that I use more often and here I did some timings still working with the ‘free’ program at this point I had not tried the full program that you would need to pay for that offers far more.
Delete Unnecessary Files, 16540. Clean Browsing History 1748. Clean Registry 355. It then offered to remove two programs that were superfluous and after my saying yes they were removed far quicker than they would be through ‘Add and Remove Programs’. At this time it also shows all the other programs and lists them in three categories, Programs you installed, Important Programs and System Programs. The result on this system was 2.5GB of more space and as this PC only has a 60GB hard drive that is substantial.
So anyone can download this from the link at the end and get this far for ‘free’. Now onto what the paid for program can do.
Drivers are always a pain, yes with luck and a following wind you can look on the manufacturer’s website – if you know who the manufacturer is – and you may even be able to download updated drivers for yourself, I have often tried and occasionally succeeded. Here the software knows what will work and it also makes sure that if they do not that a roll back works. How often do you find that the built in ‘System Restore’ does not.
Web Browsing is optimised so there should be fewer delays even on an older PC or Laptop. Nero TuneIt Up not only works on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 it even works for those still running Windows XP.
Perhaps the ace in the pack is a power saving mode for laptops that does not have you peering at a dim screen to get that extra bit of life from your battery.
Nero TuneIt Up is available for download from and scroll down to Nero TuneIt Up. Once you have tried it you can upgrade if you wish from within the package for £34.99 for a single PC or for £49.99 for three PCs.