Nikon film scanner with lots of good useful features which delivers accurate scans every time.
I bought the Nikon Coolscan1V ED so that I could archive my Fathers slides onto a digital medium before they lost all their colour.
I have not been using it for very long but I like what I see.
-neat and compact piece of hardware which fits easily on the worktop.
-adapters for slides and negatives, both individual and strips.
-accurate scans that give you a 34.5 MB file at 2900dpi. Plenty of scope to then reduce to whatever size you want or to print out a very large photo.
-the toolbox has many options; colour correction, cropping, contrast,curves,manual focus & many more but you have more control of some of these in Photoshop as you can see the effect immediately without having to do test runs.
-Digital ICE is fantastic as it gets rid of all scratches, fingermarks and dust marks.
I have yet to play with ROC ( recovery of colours) and GEM ( grain equalization management).
All in all the performance was impressive.
I bought it from a local photographic dealer ( Waddingtons) who gave me a demo before I made up my mind, and still only charged me the same price as Dabs.