Most toys and games are purchased in the three months before Christmas, and while I told you about the two games below in early summer I thought a little reminder in October if their subjects suit your household, these are for older children and adults.
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click image to enlargeMaster Dater
Both games are from a company called Cyanide & Happiness. Players vie for attention and also try to create perfect or horrible dates using a range of specific – and perhaps very unusual – interests.
You need to match cards using the three packs of cards ‘Head’, ‘Body’ and ‘Interests’. The ‘Head’ and ‘Body’ cards are slightly larger than the more prolific ‘Interest’ cards.
You start with three each of ‘Head’ and ‘Body’.
First job is to find which of the players starts by being the Sexy Single. All the other players called Daters try to find ‘Interest’ cards to suit the ‘Head’ and ‘Body’ of the Sexy Single.
You are trying to win points by the other players agreeing that the ‘Interests’ you select are the best, points can be split. All this is done while the ‘Head’ and ‘Body’ card is only known by the Sexy Single.
Once the ‘Head’ and ‘Body’ cards are turned over each player tries to find reasons why the interests they selected should be the very best matches.
I will not go into the ‘Head’, ‘Bodies’ or indeed the ‘Interest’ cards as that would help define a winning combination. Let’s just say the weirder the better.
There are 300 ‘Interest’ cards and 230 ‘Head’ and ‘Body’ cards. This game is for three to six players.

click image to enlargeAt the time of publication Master Dater is available from Amazon for £30.
Joking Hazard
This is also a card game, three large packs with different things on plus an extra pack of ten cards which are blank to allow you to add things to personalise your copy of the game.
This is an offensive card game according to the box. Any number of players from three to ten can play.
Like the game above from the same manufacturer it’s definitely for older children and adults.
The idea is to build a three panel comic from the cards as there are a total of 360 cards there are millions of possible combinations.
The rules are laid out on a side of 26.5x19cm paper and your actual path is variable according to varying circumstances.
More details on this and other games from Cyanide & Happiness available on their website.
Joking Hazard is also available from Amazon priced at £23.75.