Some years ago Microsoft vastly reduced offering the chance to own certain software notably their flagship Office product in favour of a subscription model where you continue to pay every year/month to continue using the product.
Buy Now...

If a product is continuing to grow then this has advantages as you get all the updates and any ‘new’ versions that it produces, just remember that you will continue to pay and pay.
Others have followed suit and in the case of things like security and anti-virus software then this is not just important but vital as these products are out of date as soon as installed and need immediate and continual – daily and even more frequent – updates.
However other products less so, yes of course they need to be secure and this should be handled by Windows but those still using Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 your time to receive updates is running out.
I am told certain parts of the NHS are still running Windows XP and that could be life or death.
Why should the fact that the operating system no longer be updated affect a product that runs on it, simply it’s because most programs use bits of the operating system – or programs attached - to run and if people find a venerability in the operating system then they can potentiality get access to your data in a third party program.
Just last week I received details from CorelDRAW that their new version is now available and in the same news release the news that as of December this year they will stop allowing reduced price upgrades for users of earlier versions.
They are introducing an Upgrade Protection Program where for an annual payment – as yet unstated – you automatically get the latest version as soon as available…..
While this news and others previously announced does not mean your software will stop working, you will be more vulnerable if a problem is located.
While this is a pain for the end user, for a company it could be even worse news if a product is vital to your day to day business.
So if you use a product that you have purchased just ask yourself what if this product stopped working. Do I have an alternative that can be easily implemented?
While the Corel announcement is just one company it is another click in the coffin for buy once and use forever.
So end user, small company or even large companies know what you use and how you do pay for it.