Over the last few months I have told you about the new small LS-P2 PCM Recorder and also the Olympus OM-D camera. So here finally is the meeting of the two parts connected by a standard audio cable and an adapter that fits into the camera shoe so you can have brilliant audio linked to your videos.
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I suppose the word marriage would cover the arrangement. It certainly looks strange when capturing video with the LS-P2 perched on top of the camera. Still as a Luddite who thinks that still cameras are for pictures perhaps I am not the one to preach.
The joining of the two requires not only the adapter that came with your LS-P2 but also another small one that fits into the camera shoe and attaches to the LS-P2 adapter.
Assuming you have the microphones pointing forward onto the scene the camera is videoing the connecting audio cable emerges from the right side of the audio recorder and needs to be tucked under it before joining the camera on the left side in the microphone input which will then cut out the cameras own microphone.
Some might say a lot of fuss to improve the cameras adequate sound and if you are capturing voice or a day out with the kids then I would certainly agree. However if its music you are capturing then you really need to get the best quality available. Of course you could take the video from the camera and add the music to it and if you have a good quality package to do it and you have the skill required then they could be successfully joined.
Here of course there is no editing required as the two are in the same file so no external work should be required.
So take the audio lead to the headphone/earphone out socket on the LS-P2 (not the microphone) and open the rubber bung on the left side of the OM-D camera and insert the other end of the audio lead in there.
So once the two items are joined, then switch the camera on and turn the wheel to video mode then enter the movie mode and then disable the internal microphone, next set PCM Recorder Link to on. Finally turn on the LS-P2 and place it in Pause mode then set the volume on the LS-P2 to maximum.
Check the input level on the cameras TFT, now start recording and also press the red record button on the OM-D. Yes I have a file with all the instructions and I need to tick them off it’s quite a job to do the first few times.
Of course if you can place the recorder nearby to the camera you could use Bluetooth recording mode which will make you look more normal and avoid all the looks you get with a sound recorder placed on top of a camera.
As separate components both are great the video quality is excellent and the sound quality from the LS-P2 is also excellent and assuming you do not have a friend who can stand nearby with the LS-P2 using Bluetooth the results when linked are good but there is a lot to remember.
Only a thought, if the two linked using the standard tripod screw on the underside of the camera the result would be the same and the connecting lead would be on the same side as the entry point into the camera and the recorder would be less in view but of course you would not then be able to mount the camera on a tripod.
Full details of both units are available on the Olympus site.