You don’t see an Analogue watch for ages and like buses three come at almost the same time. This however is a rather nice looking conventional watch that has a stainless steel back and the strap is made of a material that looks like rose gold, very smart.
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Its strange twenty years ago the watch you wore was unlikely to raise a comment, now this conventional watch raises more than an eyebrow often with an accompanying comment like ‘nice watch’ or other such things like ‘that’s smart’ or ‘very traditional’ while this is far from a cheap product it may well have the effect that you get a second glance if your aim is to impress.
The strap is 23cm long so should fit those with even the largest wrist. The clasp adjustment is a little fiddly but then you only do it once and a small double ended adjustment tool is supplied in the box to facilitate the change. The strap is 2cm wide and .25cm thick, the adjustment on the strap had 4.5cm more available once securely attached to my wrist.
The watch face is round 40cm across and uses slashes at all the hours and the only slightly shortened one is the ‘3’ where the small day window is close by. During my test period the month had 31 days so I do not know if it copes with 30 day months or if you need to wind the unit through 24 hours to update, something of course that we used to do and never thought anything about it.
Getting my magnifying glass out reviles that the back has VITAE London in large letters on the back and then stretching my eyesight – even with the magnifying glass help – ‘Your Watch Their Future’ in small lettering under this. Around the outside of the back in slightly larger lettering, Stainless Steel, Water Resistant 5ATM which I take to mean five atmosphere pressure which I did not test, Japanese Quartz Movement and Sapphire Crystal Glass.
Strangely there are no instructions which maybe because common sense has prevailed or because it’s a sample these days with health and safety gone mad I fear it’s the latter after all if I swallowed the watch it might harm me.
The only item apart from the watch and the double ended implement already mentioned was a 6.5cm square piece of card allowing you to give to a friend that allows them to get 5% off the cost of a Vitae London Watch.
During the five weeks I tested this it kept perfect time and as stated the only month had 31 days so the day counter stayed correct.
So for around £155 you can have a conventional watch that looks like gold but of course is not as the 84grams the watch weights would make it worth a great deal more for the gold only. I see from their site that worldwide shipping is free. If you prefer a slightly brighter gold colour they also do a standard gold one at the same price.