Withings Sleep Analyser  

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Lots of people have trouble sleeping – me included – and night is a very long period of time when you are just laying there. Of course many younger ladies with young children sleep badly as they spend their time listening for their children calling or crying.

Withings Sleep Analyzer
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This is a piece of material is 64x19cm with a long USB lead attached to one end. The first thing you need to do is download the Withings App and once you have an account look for Sleep Analyser and when located it should be fine to place it under your mattress at somewhere near where your heart will be. There is plenty of information in the App as to how to do this. If there are two of you in a double bed then you need one each side. I have a double bed as I move about a lot but one mat is fine for me.

At the end of the night your sleep details will be transferred to the App.

The Sleep Quality page gives a figure towards the bottom of the page above that is a range of four colours along the timeline which runs from the time your laid down to when you rose up. These are 'Grey' for when you are awake, Light Blue for 'REM' (Rapid Eye Movement), 'Royal Blue' for light sleep and Dark Blue for deep sleep. Place a finger over any period and the length of that colour is highlighted.

Scroll down and there are figures for 'Duration' 'Regularity' 'Time To Sleep' in one column and 'Depth' 'Interruptions' and 'Time To Get Up' in the second column. Each has a coloured dot beside them for quick notice-ability. Green is good, Yellow requires improvement, and Red is bad.

Further down you can select a sleep diary where you can give a reason 'dinner was very late' for instance. Below this Heart Rate for the whole night and the lower the heart rate when sleeping – within reason – the better. Two more things as you continue to scroll down 'Sleep Apnea' with more information available with a 'see more' click. Finally 'Snoring' if you sleep alone like me, snoring will often wake you up, so finding the cause can improve your sleep quality.

All the above was from 'last night' you can of course scroll back for earlier nights and indeed see by the week or even month.

While watches can give some of the above information briefly, for full depth you need a Sleep Analyser.

At the time of publication the Withings Sleep Analyser is available from Amazon priced at £99.99.

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