I guess someone has to get the ball rolling - and as I've never tried blogging this is a chance to play!
First of all a Happy New Year to everyone at GadgetSpeak. Hope you're all rested and ready for the new year.
On a gadgety topic - I guess this year should be interesting. Sony are expected to bring out their PS3 to compete with the XBox 360. I wonder how they will do? From here the XBox was like gold-dust, with all outlets displaying out-of-stock signs. But then according to this article on CNET, Sony have done very nicely out of the PSP. Maybe this was a conscious decision not to go head to head with Microsoft at Christmas?
Another gaming product in short supply - to my daughters annoyance - is pink (or for that matter blue) NintindoDS machine. Equally rare is the Nintindogs game. My other daughter has one of those and loves it. I've trying to get her to write up her thoughts on that for GadgetSpeak - we'll see!