7 Aug 2007


So with all that gadget buying you might be thinking about how to reduce your impact on the environment.  We all want to live comfortably and have the things we want, but there are lots of ways in which we can reduce our footprint without forgoing our favourite toys. 
I've come across this website http://www.globalcool.org/ which helps you to work out how taking certain actions, like turning off your computer at night, and switching to low energy lightbulbs, will reduce your CO2 emissions.  The aim of the website is to achieve a billion tonne reduction in CO2 by getting people to commit to actions which will reduce their individual contribution by one tonne.
OK that sounds all a bit complicated, but actually it's a very easy site to use and very interesting to be able to see how you as an individual can make a difference.  There's a little calculator which works all this out for you.  All you do is go through the suggested actions and click which changes you might find easy in your life.  The calculator works out how many tonnes of C02 you will save.
A fun and friendly site and it all helps!


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