19 Dec 2007

Almost the last Santa's Sack day for 2007 

Wow - on the one hand 20 days seems to have flown past and on the other...

...if I'd known then amount of work involved I'd have started preparations a month earlier!

I really hope you've enjoyed the competition. If you have then please let us know and maybe we'll run it again next year!

If you haven't won then I hope you've enjoyed the fun - and maybe even discovered how useful GadgetSpeak can be. Maybe you'll pop back next time you're on the hunt for that new gadget, or mention it to friends and family smile

We've had winners from many areas of the UK - I think the record for most distant goes to 'kirstralia' up in the far reaches of Scotland who won the fabulous Humax hard-disk video recorder.

One more day to go - and two more prizes. No-one has yet been lucky enough to win the Teletubby - or the fantastic Pure Siesta DAB radio!


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