Here's an interesting idea. We're getting used to sending pictures to each other's phones now, but it seems we Brits (60% of us) still like to get a card in the post sometimes. Now Touchnote, the company that turns digital pictures into greetings cards online, has launched a mobile application allowing you to capture your personal moments and create a real card to send to your friends and family anywhere in the whole. Simply take a photo, or use an existsing image, add a message and the recipient's address and send from your mobile via WiFi or the phone's mobile data connection. Your personal card is then created from the image you send and delivered in the post - in the UK usually by the next working day (provided the card is ordered before noon).
You can download the application for Nokia phones for free and your first card is free. Subsequent cards are available in credit bundles (1 card for £3, 2 cards for £5 or 5 cards for £10). Touchnote for Mobile wiill be compatible with all Series 60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 and 2 phones. This includes:
For more information on how to download Touchnote for Mobile visit
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