Christmas is past and no doubt we all feel those pre festivity clothes have shrunk even sitting in the wardrobe a check on the scales tells a different story and those extra puddings are now sitting around your waist and hips.
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A visit to a health club or gym is a possible solution but it is expensive and at this time of year costs need to be cut not increased so why not try a device that can fit on your wrist or even not show at all.
Perhaps best of all the cajoling is done by email or SMS so no embarrassment in front of a class of people so much fitter – and leaner – than you.
This is the smallest of the Fitbug devices I have seen, it is also the cheapest as the actions it takes are also the least comprehensive.
It can link by wireless to a recent Android or IOS device by low power wireless. However the Orbs actions are the least comprehensive as well. It relies on the device linked to for setting time and date and the only display on it is an LED which can be red green or orange and you need to read the accompanying leaflet to find out what they mean.
I was also sent a tiny dongle that allows you to connect to a PC or MAC it takes a USB port.
The device basically counts your steps travelled and it can tell a normal pace or an extended one or even if you are running which within reason is good for you are as your heart rate is raised.
The main aspect is the software which lives on the Fitbug website and offers advice a plenty. It never actually calls you fatty or a slob but just makes suggestions.
You will need to fill in a basic health questionnaire on the Fitbug site, one purpose of this is so you know at a later stage where you started from. While your height is unlikely to change other things are your weight for instance.
While the majority of us want to lose weight there are a minority who are trying to gain weight.
Activity is just one section and click on this and apart from total steps there are over fifty activities you can add from things like playing tennis, doing martial arts and even doing the washing up.
Nutrition is of course important and this section offers advice and help.
Another section is the Calorie scale and while most will know the nice things weigh heavy not all things are as bad as you may think.
Finally your goals, they may seem far off but why not commit them to this section as watch as they become nearer.
So the item you wear on your wrist that looks like a small watch – rubber strap provided – can also be placed in a pocket or attached to your body, it will still count your steps and help you towards a fitter lifestyle.
Big things are made on the Fitbug site of the cost compared to other products but some of those do have extra functions on the unit which quite naturally would increase the cost.
The Fitbug Orb is available from the first link below for £45 with free delivery. More details from the second link.