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click image to enlargeThe band can expand to 22cm or contract to 19cm; it is a maximum of 1.5cm wide at the face and a maximum of .7cm thick.
There is an App for either your iOS or Android device that in theory should make the setup easy.
Downloading the App is easy as is entering your personal information and even the linking of your device to the fitness band.
You now know there is a but - to my mind a big but - if all that information can be transferred why oh why cannot the time be updated in the same way.
There are four sides of a small manual in English and as is the modern trend they assume you have 20:20 vision which means to do anything you need to copy out the instructions onto another piece of paper in a size that can be read to adjust the time on the fitness band.
There are just two buttons one above and one below the 3x1.5cm display. Getting to the time section is easy but then setting it requires a lot of patience.
While out and about it can tell you how far you have walked, how long you have exercised for and other useful information all transferable to your iOS or Android device.
It can also tell you messages and calls received to your SmartPhone and even give you Weather information all once paired. So why therefore cannot it take the time from the phone?
As the pages of the manual are 8cm deep and the type is 5lines to the centimetre you can work out the type size. So your eyes need to be fit to use this device and while the young and fit could probably do all this easily it is surely the unfit and probably the not so young that could benefit most.
You do not need to transfer data that often as it can store up to 30 days’ worth on the unit.
One of my personal ‘nags’ is sleep – in my case lack of it – only to be told just because I am lying still that I am asleep. Here it is slightly better as it differentiates between light and deep sleep but again – as with some other such devices – my trips to the bathroom seem to be made while asleep according to it.
For light sleepers there is a vibration alarm available to wake you up.
It is stated to be water resistant but the manual does not recommend it for water sports use.
Having recently reviewed another such device – that also had some problems – I start to realise they were relative.
I was also sent a watch unit the Soleus Pulse by the same people which does pulse rate but it has four buttons and although I again wrote all the actions required to set it up – no SmartPhone help with this – I only partially succeeded so no review will follow, the idea of the pulse reader on the strap rather than the watch itself was novel and I did once get it to function for a short period and the figure it showed seemed correct.
So if you are young and fit and have 20:20 vision then you might be able to make yourself even fitter with the Go! Fitness Band SF002 it is available from the link below for £49.94 with free delivery.