With all the talk of single use plastic either being phased out or carrying a substantial premium either to the manufacturer or possibly the user an unbreakable reusable water bottle is something that could well get more publicity like the one I was sent here from Ion8.
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click image to enlargeThis is designed primarily for cyclists not least as its dimensions are those that fit in the holder on the cycle frame.
It is22cm tall and round at 7cm, its empty weight is 150 grams.
The bottle is opaque and is marked on the side in both ml and oz. the former calibrated in 100ml measures with ‘-’ every 50ml up to 650ml, the latter in 4oz marks with ‘-’ every 2oz up to 22oz but in my tests another 50ml or 2oz is easily accommodated.
The material used for the bottle is BPA free non-toxic ‘triron’.
Refreshingly - for me anyway – the only instructions were a sticker on the base about washing and storing when not in use with the cap off.
Around the neck is a wrist strap meaning that it can exist on the wrist leaving the hand free, the clear plastic lid flips up with one finger operation so even when drinking one hand can remain on the handlebars. The 1.3cm circular drinking hole is towards the side with a corresponding .2cm air vent opposite to allow fast flow of the liquid in the bottle.
Once the lid is clicked back in place the contents are fully sealed and the bottle is leak proof by the silicon seal on the inside of the lid.
These days I do not ride much so my tests were conducted on buses and tubes when – especially during the recent hot summer – temperatures were quite extreme and rather than having to unscrew the cap on a normal water bottle which really requires both hands I could fully test the one hand one finger flip lid theory and I can confirm it works.
The wrist strap is also useful on crowded buses and tubes as once the strap is on the wrist the bottle can just dangle meaning you only have to raise one arm to get the bottle to your lips.
While I have not tried to deliberately break either the bottle or the lid or its mechanism it has survived dropping and banging against hard objects without problems.
This is not a cheap bottle but given the possible taxes on single use plastic could soon become an economy rather than an added expense.
My bottle was colourless but I see that are available in six colours for the same price.
The Ion8 water bottle is available from Amazon for £11.99.