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Bosch Xeo
It is 23x5x10cm and has a built in rechargeable battery, it weights 430grams. It is predominately green with the top being a black rubber grip, ideal for those who suffer with sweaty hands to give a nice solid grip at all times.
According to the instruction book (12 pages in English) it is intended to cut flexible items up to 6mm in thickness.
When I saw this at a press presentation towards the end of last year I immediately thought of all those jobs that normally require industrial scissors to get into packaging of so many products today, and I am delighted to say it works on them wonderfully so no longer do you take you life in your hands from a nasty scissor cut or perhaps even worse the jagged plastic cut this will go through it like a ‘knife through butter’, simple and straightforward.
If you are cutting say a carpet tile or felt there is even a guide provided in the tin – yes it does come in a tin – to help keep a straight line and also to help you position it when near to a wall or other solid obstruction, very handy.
In case you are concerned about children getting hold of it, the gap between the guard and the cutting blade is less than 10cm and then only at an angle that it would be unlikely to be used at. Next a safety switch needs to be pushed at least .5cm before you can operate the trigger to power the device. Finally common sense do not leave it lying around where a toddler can find it.
The blade has ‘Auto Sharp’ technology where the rotation within the guard sharpens the blade all the time it is in use.
Doing my searches found the Bosch Xeo at a best price of £22.99 with free delivery.

When men reach a certain age hair that used to grow in profusion on top of the head, now only grow around the edges and worse still it starts to grow from the ears and nose. Scissors are a dangerous option so something like this can be the answer.
Not only will the tool cut inside the ear or nose it also comes with two attachments to allow eyebrows to be trimmed to a set length.
It is powered by a single 'AAA' battery and the centre of the unit has a three position twist control, off, on and light, the last two can work together. The two eyebrow guards can simply be slipped over the cutting blade.
A single double sided Instruction Guide covers everything. The unit is 15cm long and in the middle it is round at 3cm. The tip is only.5cm across and the back where the battery is inserted is only around 2cm around.
The light can be very useful to find that stray hair without the need to press on blind, certainly an interesting cutting tool. Available direct from the link below for £14.99, they also have a video of it in use.