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Adding to its extensive range of TV, video and audio based products,
Terratec has recently introduced a USB media card as part of its Aureon
brand range. This new product is the Aureon Dual USB device which
has been designed to add multi media centre capabilities to your
desktop/notebook system. The kit consists of an 82mm USB stick, black
in colour, and a small adaptor for use with optical digital output. The
USB stick features a pair of connection sockets for input and output
Capable of supporting Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux with USB audio
as part of the kernel, this device requires no specific drivers although
you may need to make an adjustment to your settings if other sound devices
are installed on the host system. Instructions on how to carry out
this task are provided for Windows XP, Windows Vista plus Mac OS are included
in the supplied mini multi-lingual Quick Setup Guide. Installation is
just a matter of inserting the Aureon Dual USB device into a vacant USB port
and waiting for a few moments while it is recognised and integrated into the
The Aureon Dual USB stick provides the link between your output and input
facilities and the content stored on your system. You can attach a
microphone for input and either a headset or speaker system for output.
Rather than have its own control panel for making adjustments, it integrates
itself into whatever software it can find on the host system and makes use of
While the Aureon Dual USB device will add little, if anything, to a high
powered multimedia system with existing quality audio and video capabilities,
this is not what the product was designed for by Terratec. Instead its
purpose is to upgrade your system, especially if it is one that lacks a digital
interface such as a basic notebook, to deliver a more pleasing quality with
regards to the input and output of audio and video content. In this
respect, the Aureon Dual USB product is well worth considering.
As mentioned earlier this device with work on Windows, Mac and Linux systems
with an available USB port. It should work on any notebook with an
available USB port. Terratec has priced this product at a reasonable
Comment by nguyen, 26 Nov 2008 13:45
I have exactly the same question as sorenweber. I would also like to know if dts and dolby digital sound can be passed through to the receiver using the optical out.