Its not often a single word describes a product here is does as its a ZIP with USB on one end and splits for Micro USB and Lightning on the other. The second item is a magnetized three LED Torch capable of being twisted to almost any angle.
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Zipper USB Cable
This is 37cm long – the maximum distance between the cable plugs is 31cm – but when the zip is fully unzipped there can be 60cm between the Lightning and Micro USB plug ends.
My unit was yellow with just the plugs in a more normal black, but I see they also do Black, Blue, Red and White. However if you have the normal mass of various cables dotted around colour is a good item differentiator.
The voltage supported is up to 2.4amp with 30/30 AWG Micro USB transmission. All Micro USB devices are supported and it also supports IOS 7. iPhones are supported for charging and Android phones are supported for charging and transmission, the latter if the version of operating system supports it, I found that Kit-Kat (version 4.4) fails to support this, strange as most earlier versions did.
While it is assembled in China and comes from the Kings of USB Brando in Hong Kong it was designed in Japan.
A simple device – as a lot of Brando items are – designed to make life easier and when zipped up amazingly sturdy.
The Zipper USB Cable is available from the link below for $15 (US) with P&P at $3 (US) whatever the size of your order.
Bendable LED Torch
This is also made in China as most things are today but sold from the USA.
It looks like any number of thin LED torches this one has three bright LEDs.
It is 18cm long and has a pen type clip to fit inside a pocket.
However there are five telescopic pieces that add up to 30cm to the overall length and nearest the LED head a 6cm section that can be twisted up to 180 degrees either way so it can be as little as 12cm long with the head bent back on itself.
There is a simple on/off rubber button 4cm back from the LED end to turn it off or on.
All I have said makes this useful but the added twist is that both the LED end and the base are strongly magnetized so you can retrieve items such as keys from inaccessible places and perhaps even smaller things such as screws that drop from where they should be. I even managed to hold a screwdriver ideal when two hands are just not enough and the space you are working in is even smaller than the space required to get two hands into.
A bendable small LED torch is a great item and a magnetized bendable small magnetized torch is a great thing, best of all few people will have one so it makes an ideal useable gift.
The only downside I can see is that if people know you have one they will always be asking to borrow it.
It is available from the link below for $20.99.
Mine was Blue but I see they also do Black, Silver, Pink and Red.