I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Free things I have reviewed, perhaps the most famous is Skype. Here an App for Android users that allows you to capture an image possibly a selfie and then use the tools provided to enhance it.
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Cyberlink are a company that produce a range of very good software for PC users here however it’s a free App downloadable from the Google Play Store it is around 40MB so quick to download on a Wi-Fi link. I saw this shown when I was attending an event for their latest version of Power DVD a review will follow later.
Take your photo and let the software improve the image taking care to improve what nature issued you with but unless you are careless or stupid just give you a ‘good day’ look rather than ‘who is that’ look.
You Cam is a rather good program on the PC an early version is often provided with PCs in order to show the web cam in use.
Here of course with recent Android devices you have a better quality camera even the front camera is often far better quality than a web cam.
Some of the options available once an image has been taken are Skin Smoother working on my own knurled complexion I looked a good ten years younger. Skin Whitener does just what it says and can be useful for those with high blood pressure. More dramatic effects can be achieved with the Face Reshaper and while large changes can be made a double chin here or there can improve the resultant look. Blemish Remover is idea for a scrape or even a beauty spot.
Blush is an effect more likely to appeal to ladies but I tried it in the privacy of my own home. Shine Remover is great for those who sweat and get a reflective appearance on photographs. Eye Enlarger is great to improve the look of a person who like tends to have their eyes more closed than open. Red Eye removal is something almost any photo package can remove this does it well without that strange look often achieved. Finally one for those you had a late night Eye Bag Removal. These are the options available from the Beautifer button.
Other things can be done like Crop or Rotate from the Basic Edit tab. The Effects Tab shows nine ladies with different complexions try your image with one of their complexions. The final two choices are more basic tools Frame and Removal the latter is great to expunge areas of an image.
So now by baggy eyes, double chin, facial blemishes, tiny eyes and complexion have all improved now things are great until others see the real me.
I did all the effects I have mentioned on a selfie taken in my office and although I say it myself I look great what it cannot do is make you feel the way you look. Still one step at a time.
The Cyberlink YouCam Perfect Beauty Cam is available as a free download from the Android Play Store. I am told it will soon be available for IOS devices.
Comment by paul_smart, 12 May 2014 13:14