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Before you stop reading saying ‘this person is crazy’ my dexterity at ‘three score and ten plus’ is far less than the average young child but I have flown this round my kitchen and hall without damaging anything.
The blades of the drone are inside a protective frame and yes if it has a direct hit on something on the edge of a shelf it may knock it off but the drone itself is light that is why this is an indoor unit.
Unlike early drones this unit will hover and you control it with the supplied glove on your hand, you use logical movements to make it go forwards backwards left right up and down. The unit controller has only two buttons ‘on/off’ and ‘take off/land’, everything else is from your gloved hand.
So just maybe ‘this person is not so crazy after all’, the only misconception is in the name ‘Drone’. This is not a huge delivery device or even something to carry a bomb it’s a rather nice lightweight toy where your child has the chance to prove his/her expertize.
It is 18cm across and 7cm tall, it has four propellers all well within the 18cm framework and it weighs just 54 grams.
The 20cm long right handed glove is made of nylon and spandex and just fitted my average sized hand so for a child with a small hand it could be on the large side.
As stated at the start control is what it’s about but because it will initially hover once it has taken off you can start with small movements and even at my age this is achievable.
The control unit is 6x5x1.5cm and slips over the glove and is held in position by Velcro straps.
There are two buttons on the top of the control unit an on/off slider and the thing that makes things different from most drones a button for take-off and landing which is always the bit that is most difficult so it can start and finish from the floor.
Between the back of the hand and the thumb is another button that a squeeze of the side of the thumb works. Everything else is hand movements left-right-forward-backwards.
First fit the glove on your right hand, then turn the drone is ‘on’ by plugging the rechargeable battery in and then turn the control unit on, keep your hand flat and outstretched and watch the LED sequence when solid green you are ready to go press the ‘Take Off/Landing button’ once and have fun.
Everything you need to know including how to charge both the glove and drone in the four side A4 instruction sheet.
While it should work further than 23 feet away from you I certainly do not have a room that big, my hall is and I enjoyed flying it from the kitchen into the hall and back.
The only information about age is ‘not for Children under 3 years old’.
This is a fun drone and should be great to help the child increase dexterity, because it’s so light it’s not an outdoor unit and providing younger children have an adult nearby all should be fine.
The Auru Glove Controller and Drone are available from Amazon £99.99, including delivery.