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Recently I have covered head hair and beard hair. Or course the requirements or shaving cover other parts of the body as well as what is normally on show for all to see.
Fashions change and I have heard from younger people in a relationship that if she shaves or waxes the lower part of her body she expects him to do the same. I am aware some prefer to go to their hairdresser for such treatments but most surely get a ‘friend’ to access such areas.
When you buy this item there is little chance you will mistakenly purchase it to shave only your chin.
It’s called the Braun Body Groomer, further down the front of the box it says Shave & Trim your whole body and also on the front Full Body.
The back of the box has four male illustrations showing the ‘Gillette’ part being used of arm pits, shoulders, chest and the stomach area.
I have recently covered the latest Fusion unit from Gillette and this is incorporated into Braun device.
The electric part has three separate combs these cover Long 8mm, Medium 3mm and Sensitive .6mm.
Other items in the box are a charging stand, a shower hanger, cleaning brush and soft pouch. The Fusion unit has a fitted cartridge as well as a replacement.
All parts of the unit both Gillette and Braun are 100% waterproof.
When I went to the whole range of new devices from Braun I looked at them all but Epilators I decided were not for me.
A full charge from totally discharged can take 14 hours but this will give you 50 minutes of cordless trimming.
I can only speak from the male perspective which is what this dual unit is aimed at. When I was of an age that others were likely to see certain areas of my body not normally on show it was not normal to do more than perhaps trim certain longer areas of hair growth. Now I understand it’s the whole body that is expected to receive grooming which may be trimming to a far greater degree or total shaving.
The last time an area below my belt was shaved was by a nurse before a cancerous growth was removed from the side of my groin.
I did however use this for areas above the belt and the area at the back of the neck and shoulders do look better without hair or without hair not neatly trimmed when a tee shirt is worn.
I found this unit efficient and what you want to trim can be quickly dealt with either wet or dry with the shaver part from Braun. Any areas that you feel need to be shaved then the Gillette part takes over and being the reverse side of the same unit makes it a quick choice either in or out of the shower.