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Listening while on trains, buses or tube is not only a relaxation but it also avoids the extreme noise of some tube trains through tunnels when no signal to stream is available, you just get your own sounds at a level to suit your ears.
While you can still log into Deezer via the Internet the long awaited Deezer Desktop is now finally out of Beta. So not only on your PC but also your Tablet or SmartPhone and if you have taken the short time required to download while on your home broadband you can listen at your leisure while out and about without using mobile data. As an example I downloaded 22 tracks in 2 minutes and 20 seconds a total of over two hours of music.
A standard set of earbuds is fine to listen to MP3 but either top quality earbuds or better still a decent pair of headphones when listening on the move is what you need. In your home Hi-Fi means CD quality without the CD player be it through headphones or speakers.
Deezer has been on my PC and phone for a long time and for my Genre of music Deezer have a good covering from the early times of jazz to the present day.
Streaming is fine on Wi-Fi but if you want to stream on a mobile connection it will use a lot of data so unless you have an unlimited amount far better to download to your phone when on Wi-Fi and this has the added plus of being usable when on ‘airplane mode’ or when traveling and there is no mobile signal at all when underground on the tube for example.
Any test is subjective and indeed the cost of a Hi-Fi subscription is twice that of a standard good quality 320mbps Deezer subscription.
The mobile App has been out of Beta for a while now but still seems to receive an update frequently but while you can ignore the message at the top of the screen the restart is quick and it does just that restart the App so you know it has completed.
I prefer the Desktop App on both my Windows 7 and Windows 10 systems, they work in much the same way but while you of course are connected – unless playing downloaded tunes – you are not immediately tying up however you normally connect to the Internet so closing your Internet client will not shut down a Deezer connection.
Should you wish you can share your playlists to your friends. A newish feature is a monthly email telling you statistics of what you have listened to etc during that period.
What you get with your subscription is 53 million songs of all Genres, the ability to listen on PC or MAC, mobile or Tablet via Wi-Fi, Ethernet or over 3G or 4G mobile. If you download – it’s very quick a whole CD will download in less time than you can play a single track – you do not need any connection so no data use and even when the Internet is down you can still have your downloaded music.
Full pricing and information on
Comment by paul_smart, 12 Aug 2019 13:41
Paul Smart