It was nearly four years ago that I discovered EM Client 6 unlike most software programs that seem to upgrade annually it is close to four years ago that this Outlook Express replacement came into my life and it is still in use as my email collecting tool this has just become EM Client 7.
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If you have one or two email accounts EM Client is FREE, up to six accounts can be used on up three different machines with a Professional licence.
Of course there have been many fixes over the four years but they are offered to download and install very quickly and the look and feel of the interface did not change.
This was very different and be prepared to have lunch or do something else for a while while it happens mainly because the way images are stored is different and this takes time for the program to implement but you are kept informed by an onscreen bar as to progress. On my three machines this took between 35 and 55 minutes. If you have a licenced paid for version store your licence number somewhere else as I found I was back in 30 day trial mode even after a reboot, I reported this to EM Client who will no doubt issue a fix.
My locally stored files go back over many years and together with various folders for specific subjects mean I currently have over 5000 current emails. A backup of this in EM Client 6 was just under 5GB, the first backup after upgrade was just over 9GB quite a large rise but the way files are stored has changed so searches for a single word are now a lot faster. Also a lot faster is Syncing of data.
When you backup your data – this can be automatic – manually the time taken is roughly the same even though the file size was close to double. For those using Windows 7 you will find that files over 4GB cannot normally be written to a USB stick or external hard drive so assuming you have a Network backup either to a Windows 10 PC and then write the file or just copy to another PC for safe storage.
I later found the reason for the ‘close to double’ size of backup file was that it was also storing the EM Client 6 data in the same package, when two weeks later I told it to stop saving the EM Client 6 data files – this could have been done instantly at upgrade - but I am definitely a belt and braces and safety pin person - it dropped back to around the pre upgrade file size.
If you do an ad-hoc backup it is far quicker to complete than a scheduled backup, I mentioned this to their technical support department and they say a fix should solve this in the 7.1 release.
The one difference that I am still coming to grips with is that files to the same person are grouped together and nested even when the subject line changes so some archives can be quite large.
I find the synchronization across PC’s is quite good even when another PC is used infrequently but it is safer in this case to backup and restore but do not collect new files to the infrequently used PC just before restoration.
For me anyway synchronization of files is quicker, backups take around the same time, searches are certainly faster, it’s just the nesting of long threads that I am still getting used to.
Since getting rid of the duplicate EM Client 6 backups are now lot quicker my last was barely 20 minutes when previously they were around 45 minutes.
EM Client can import files from earlier versions, Outlook and other file storage types.
As stated EM Client for users with up to two accounts is free, up to six accounts across three machines (professional version) has one fee and other prices are available on request. Remember unlike Microsoft Outlook available in Office 365 you pay only once for EM Client.
More details including a 30 day trial of the professional version can be found online at