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This unit is 30x22.5x23cm.
The unit is predominately white but the sides are a ribbed black and the area behind the coffee spout is also black. On top there is a chromed strip which lifts up to insert the pod and to the right of the front another chromed area the steam spout.
There are three buttons on the face, bottom left on/off, top left heating button, top right steam button. On the right side at the top front a twist knob that is either off (vertical) or on (horizontal). The hard wired 1metre mains lead emerges from the rear.
The cold water tank fits on the rear of the machine it is made of clear plastic and can hold just less than two pints of water.
To start make sure there is water in the tank and then plug in the mains lead. Press the on button and then the heating button starts to flash, I found that around 50 seconds was needed before you were ready to produce a cup of coffee, you know it’s ready when the flashing LED stops and becomes solid.
Before this you need to insert a pod in the machine, lift the chromed strip to vertical and insert a pod the slot will only accept them in one way. Pull the chromed strip shut (flush with the units top).
The solid LED on the heating button is pressed once and after a few seconds a stream of coffee emerges into a cup, when there is enough coffee for your taste press the button again and for those who like black coffee you are ready to drink.
If like me then place some milk in a small jug or another cup and turn the steam knob through 90 degrees after pressing the steam button and your cold milk soon becomes hot and even develops a small head. Pour this over your cup of coffee and you have a smooth white coffee close to a cappuccino.
After each white coffee you need to wipe the steam spout to remove the milk residue. Every day – depending on the number of coffees made you should remove the spent pods from the container they drop into after operating the chromed strip on top of the machine. There will also be drips in the drip tray which also needs to be removed to get at the internal spent pods box.
Apart from a general wipe round with a cloth that’s the cleaning done.
So what of the coffee its rather good, far better than even top of the range instant but sadly not as good as freshly ground beans but then the cost is far less as a box of 16 pods should be available for less than £4. I was sent two types and both have my seal of approval.
From staggering into the kitchen to having a cup ready to drink is around 90 seconds.
The Lavazza LM 5100 is available from the link below for £70.67 including delivery.