Some people hate a trackpad and as more notebooks are sold today than PC’s they either have to learn to accept one of just maybe find another solution and that solution could be available in the form of a wireless mouse like this small offering from Logitech.
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The mouse is small – without being tiny – it is 9.5x5.5x3.5cm and weights a total of 87grams with its receiver.
It is powered by a single ‘AA’ battery that is stated to last 18 months.
The receiver is tiny at 1.8cm long and 1.2cm of that goes into a USB port so only .6cm sticks out.
I tried it on both a Windows 7 and Windows 10 computer and in both cases it worked almost instantly.
The packaging is described as ‘Easy Open’ and as I did not have to resort to industrial scissors to get the mouse out and it was just possible to reinsert it I just about agree. Yes in the clear plastic it will look good on a dealers display rack.
There is a two sided green and white card with a few words and diagrams on which is fine and should enable everyone to get working.
What I have little patience with is the thirty language 40x45cm double sided sheet of paper that almost everyone will need a magnifying glass to read ‘Important Safety Compliance, and Warranty Information’.
Why on earth do you need such instructions for a mouse, the world has gone mad.
Part of the base of the mouse pushes off to reveal the receiver and the supplied ‘AA’ battery the latter with a thin strip of paper that you must remove to make the required electrical circuit. The base also has an on/off slider so you do not waste battery if not used for some time.
The mouse is silver grey on top with the sides and base black, matt black for the base and shiny black for the sides apart from the rubberised area that you grip and move it around your desk with, great for those with sweaty hands.
It is a three button rodent with the left and right buttons working at a point to suit you within 4cm from the front. There is also a scroll wheel mounted between the two buttons and this works smoothly at whatever point you use it up to 2cm from the front.
My hands are not especially large and it was fine for me and I think it would be also for most children but anyone with larger hands might find it a little small.
The front of the information card says ‘Precise scrolling and comfort for hours’ and I can confirm that you can certainly make more precise movements with it rather than a laptop trackpad but of course it does require a solid area to place it on.
I am left handed but while I used this mouse on both sides of a notebook and a computer I have got used to using a mouse with my right hand.
The Logitech M325 comes with a three year warranty and it is available from the first link below for £27.18.