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Penguins Hunt Treasure
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A Nanogram is a puzzle game based on the creation of mosaic type images laid out on a grid. Originally featuring monochrome images, more recent versions of this type of game play have introduced the use of colour to add to the use of logic to solve these puzzles. A recent example of this popular genre is Fantasy Mosaic 28 – Treasure Map.
In this 28th edition of the Fantasy Mosaic franchise, you are involved in helping a family of penguins. The game opens as Penguin Penny arrives with a treasure map she has discovered in the family attic. In order to follow the instructions and route laid out by the treasure map, a series of colourful mosaic puzzle will need to be created using numeric clues on a grid of cells.
Match Gems, the developers of this game, allows the user to make certain adjustment to the game playing environment with named profiles for individual players. The volume levels for background music and sound effects can be set to your taste. You can select from various four-colour tone pads that will be used to create the images. The game can be played in full screen mode with a choice of Casual or Advanced game play. The difference between the twp levels is when the number indicators are removed from the edges of the grid.
Each stage of the hunt to find the treasure involves the creation of five mosaic images using grids decorated across the top and down the left side of the grid by indicator numbers that provide information regarding which cells should be filled in using the current colour. Whereas previous titles of this genre, I have played, gave immediate access to all the colours making up the image, this offering held back access to some colours until sufficient progress had been made in the creation of the image.
Running down the right side of the grid are various tools and features available when playing the game. Topping this column is an option to use any available free hints gained during the current grid. This feature will indicate a possible cell to fill in using the current colour. You do need to be observant to spot the targeted cell as the indication quickly fades from sight. More towards the bottom of this column is information regarding the number of mistakes allowed before you will need to replay the level. There is also an opportunity to view the current state of the image without the distraction of the grid paraphernalia.
Taking up a central position in the column are the colours used to create the image. If any colour not immediately available then a lock icon will be superimposed on the colour. The current colour will be indicated by a stylus icon. The indicator numbers on the top and side of the grid will adopt the hue of the current colour.
Following the completion of each image, you are shown a report card on your performance. There will be information on the number of mistakes made, hints used and the time taken to create the image. Up to three stars will be awarded depending upon the mistakes, hints and time factors that you have accumulated through the creation of the specific image.
As each block of five grids, and their associated images have been created, a new item of garden furniture will be added to the penguin’s property. You can visit this location at any time, from the program’s main title screen to see how the new features have improved the look of the garden.
I do have a couple of minor issues with this game. The level of difficulty between the different grid images was rather haphazard as easy images would often be mixed in with more difficulty ones. Generally I found grids were easier to solve when access was granted to all the colours. I also had an issue with the font used to display the numbers along the top and down the left side of the grid which my aging eyes struggled to decipher.
If you enjoy logic games then Fantasy Mosaics 28 – Treasure Map is a reasonable effort. A time limited trial version is available to check out before a payment of $9.99, from sites such as, will give you access to the 100 levels of this mosaic loving penguin family. Game specifications call for a 1.6GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM and 85MB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.
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