This product has been around in one form or another since the CD-ROM first started to appear in PC’s. Other companies have come and gone but Nero has only undergone a name change and of course it now does so much more than oversee the burning of media.
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Rip & Burn was possibly why people first purchased Nero, certainly I still use the Burning ROM feature at least weekly, Nero Express, Nero Disc to Device and Nero Cover Designer completes the Red section of the Home Screen all under the Rip & Burn entry.
A Turquoise Blue column has Nero Media Home and Nero Media Browser under the Manage & Play entry.
The Edit & Convert yellow theme has Nero Video, Nero Recode and once you have installed it the 1GB of Nero Content turns from grey to yellow. The Green Column Backup and Rescue has Rescue Agent and Nero Backit Up. Finally four items into the Extras column in Dark Blue are Music Recorder, Streaming Player, Free Tools and Nero Control Centre.
Above all these is a new Quick Start Button that allows you to move directly to the module you want. The screen is completed with Nero Knowhow which has all the answers you may want for those who use the product infrequently and this includes more than 50 ‘How To’ videos. KnowHow works only on Windows 10 or your Mobile device and not Windows 7 or Windows 8 or 8.1.
The installation of the basic program can take up to 4.6GB of hard disc space it did for me as I installed it on a Windows 7 system that had few of the required Microsoft add on programs so this also increased the install time to 18 minutes. At this point you could then install all the extra themes looks and extra parts of the package
Not required for basic use and this can easily take another 1.4GB of space so in my case it was 6GB of hard disc used and this took another 17 minutes.
Everything I have described above is in the Platinum Edition but at around £20 cheaper you could opt for the Standard Edition without a number of the features or extras.
Earlier versions allowed you to load just the module you wanted and then you started again if another module was required. Now the front end loads with everything available and you can then switch between interconnected modules.
The one thing removed from the Platinum Version last year was the Blu-ray player module and sadly this has not made reappearance this year. You can still burn Blu-ray discs but it no longer contains the ability to play commercial Blu-ray discs. The reason is cost as manufacturers need to pay around $25 for each licence for this feature to my mind Microsoft should provide it with Windows.
The reason I installed it on Windows 7 is that a vast number of people myself included prefer it to Windows 10 and while a lot of the modules it had to install are included in Windows 10 they need to be installed in Windows 7 and while it just added time to the install it needed to be proved that it still functions correctly.
Nero 2017 Platinum is available from Amazon for £77.49 with free delivery.