'How do I do that' or 'let me think' as I do not complete that task very often. Windows can do most things however it often makes the task difficult. Parallels Toolbox has a range of one step tools to complete the tasks that Windows makes more complex, some may even seem impossible this collection of over thirty different tools are in a simple package.
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Let’s start with Archive, Block Camera and Break Time; I don’t think any need any great explanation the last named is perhaps the most important for those studying. The next three can all be done in Windows but each requires a separate two key selection to complete here they are simple for those who do this action infrequently; they are Capture Area, Capture Screen and Capture Window.
Clean Drive is next maybe useful for those very short of hard drive space but more likely for those wanting to remove all traces of something sensitive, seven sub headings so you choose what is relevant to you.
Close Apps can close all open Apps or once you designate, minimise or add exceptions.
Next is something that normally would require an expect Convert Video, here you just drop it on a Window and select what to convert it to, for someone who does occasionally worth the cost on its own.
Do Not Disturb something that is hidden away in a Windows sub menu here easy to setup for when needed.
Do Not Sleep useful when you know something is due to arrive but you need to be elsewhere, again possible but you need to delve in Windows to find it.
Download Audio and Download Video both easy to do when you do if frequently but not so if you do not.
Eject Volumes something most do with USB sticks and drives but how many remember to ask permission just in case it’s still working, if it is you could end up with a knackered stick or drive.
Energy Saver most notebooks do this at 20% but by then your working time is already limited and if there is no power plug nearby…
Another useful App for those with limited space Find Duplicates.
Hide Desktop is great for those who do the occasional presentation.
Launch a tool that allow several programs to be opened at once.
Lock Screen does exactly that allowing you to get your coffee or go to the loo and no one can access your PC till you enter the password.
Mute Microphone easy to forget when on a video call with several others.
Presentation Mode clears all your icons to give a clear screen and pressing it again returns everything to where it was previously.
Record Area, Audio, Screen, Window all rather difficult to do in Windows without third party software so again worth the price if you need this facility.
Sleep Timer again possible but delve to find it. The same is true for Switch Screen Resolution.
Take Photo and Take Video likewise providing you know the key combination.
We started with Archive so here is the antidote Unarchive.
Unit Conversion plenty of these on the Internet if you know the URL if not this is a single click.
Finally Window on Top great now how does Windows do it.
So this quick run through should tell you of if this is good value for you at £15.99.