There are a good number of things that can be done in Windows that are not always that obvious as to how you do them. Sometimes people find a way but often it takes a lot of effort to do it. Here are a package of little things that can make what was hard easy again. Best of all you can download a free seven day trial to see if they are for you.
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The first of these is Archive this allows you to just drop items you may need in the future onto a window on your screen and while they are still available just not there in your face.
Barcode Generator is a tool that helps you make a barcode you just choose what content needs to be encoded and drop it on a window on screen.
Barcode Reader this is something most of us will have used on our phones to download an App here it uses the camera on your PC to read barcodes.
This brings us onto Block Camera this turns your camera off to ensure privacy and stop you being spied on when the camera is not in use and is preferable to the post it note or other homemade choice.
Break Time is something that some company’s inforce and it stops you ruining your eyes and back by working for too long in a single stint.
Capture Area is something people often need, capturing a screen is a two finger option but then that may include other things that you do not want so you then need to use a third party package to remove them and sometimes this action can take several minutes especially if you do not do it that often.
Capture Screen and Capture Window also can be handled in Parallels Desktop.
Clean Drive can often save space to allow things to run faster but I always say if space is available let it stay.
Close Apps I often get friends say Windows is so slow, the technical person will suggest more memory but often opening a Notebook will void a warranty and over time people just keep adding extra items which often load when you start sometimes finding how to stop them loading is difficult so this tool will let you choose what to close.
Convert Video is a tool that for the occasional video user can save hours as there are numerous video formats an expert can do it quickly but it would take me a while as I do not do it often.
Do Not Disturb is something we all need when working to a deadline so turn this on and those annoying messages have to wait.
Do Not Sleep in a way is the opposite of the previous item as there are times when you are waiting for a message and if your PC has a sleep or hard disk shutdown it may not get through and this keeps everything up and running without you having to press a key every thirty minutes or so.
Download Audio or Download Video is something more of us do but there are still people who do not and this tool will do it and best of all let you know where it is, often people say I have downloaded it but I cannot find it.
Eject Volume is potentially something we all should use as if that memory stick was being accessed when you pulled it from the drive damage to its contents can occur yes Windows does have a tool to eject safely but do you use it or even do you know where to find it.
Energy Saver is something that you can use on those occasions when you need an hour more without your power supply to hand or better still just to improve the length of time between plugging your notebook in.
Find Duplicates is a tool that can save a lot of space and possible save a red face if you present the half-finished version that you loaded by mistake.
I will describe the rest of the tools in another article next week but if I have already excited you just follow the link below to start your seven day free trial.