Making things from raw vegetables does not really appeal to me, fruit yes, vegetables no I tend to prefer my vegetables cooked. But things like carrot cake can appeal even to children so be a man and give it a go, the pulp that is not juiced goes into a vacuum environment and can be kept – even frozen - to be added to stocks to give extra bulk.
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While this can be a conventional blender it also has the ability to become a vacuum blender which means the parts of the fruit or vegetables not liquefied can be kept and added to soups and stocks and as once you pressed the vacuum button the residue keeps far longer and can even be frozen for use at a later date.
When you make a conventional smoothie you probably notice there is a foam on top and that is what possibly produces the ‘burp’ factor as air get trapped in the mixture and trapped air needs to go somewhere….
Philips recons that the best smoothie is made from one third liquid, one third fruit and one third vegetables, certainly some of the receipts I tried were great and included things ‘vegetable wise’ I would not have tried if cooked.
The first third is liquid and this can be water, milk even the trendy things like soya milk
The unit has a powerful 1400watt motor which I am told can spin at up to 35,000 RPM which allows the Philips technology to unlock millions of nutriments that would otherwise stay locked in the pulp.
This means less unblended bits – the foam on top – and you get to enjoy the full flavours without the after effects. Another side effect – a good one this time – is that the smoothie remains fresh for far longer.
The colours are more vibrant and I am told most people prefer the taste of vacuum blended smoothies.
I have never been a fan of cabbage since childhood when my grandparents’ house always smelled of it and school dinners seemed to always have it.
Still I purchased some red cabbage and made one of the smoothies mentioned in the receipt book strawberry, red cabbage, carrot and coconut. It was quite drinkable. The liquid was coconut milk and perhaps that is what made something I have steered away from for seventy years drinkable. Among the other receipts is one using white cabbage. There are fifteen in all but while that is not a huge number that is a good starting point and then you replace one or more items and make your own.
One of my favourite things is celery something that most will only have as the occasional stick in say a ploughman lunch but I found it worked with a range of ingredients.
Currently it is not really soup weather so I have a number of bags of pulp in the freezer to go into winter.
There is also an A5 User Manual in five languages with the first ten pages in English and this explains the controls and how to use and maintain it.
It is not cheap so you would need to make a lot of smoothies to make it a worthwhile purchase for most.
At the time of publication the Philips High Speed Vacuum Blender is available from Amazon for £193.25 including free delivery.
Comment by David Vince, 22 Aug 2019 5:09