Where did I - you - put my keys, who has moved my mobile, where is my &*%!ing wallet and many more. Perhaps more importantly you could attach one of these – with their permission – to your cat, dog or tortoise to locate then when they become elusive.
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Something I have looked at before, now available in a range of styles and pack sizes.
I was sent a four pack of ‘Pro’ and another pack of four of ‘Essential’.
First the ‘Pro’ this consists of four tiles, two white and two black. They are 4cm square and are less than .7cm thick with a notch cut out of the corner will fit on any keyring or possibly all but the smallest cat or dog collar as they weigh only 13 grams each.
The ‘Essential’ pack is somewhat different with just one square Tile at 3.5cm square and .7cm thick with the ability to attach to a keyring. There are two 2.5cm circular units of the same width these are designed to stick to things. Finally a single 8.5x5.5cm thin credit card sized unit that would be ideal to go in your wallet.
Like most things today they work with an App which you can download from the iOS or Android store. The instructions on the pack are simple. Download the App. Follow in-App instructions. Attach to your things.
Tile was one the first to use ‘community’ to help find things.
All the units send out a tone from their inbuilt batteries. They also sent out a signal once registered so you could track them from the App or in the case of them being out of range that is where the community comes in.
The Pro have the largest radio range up to 120 metres or so, the 2.5cm ones around half that and the wallet unit around 40 metres.
The Pro battery is replaceable and lasts around 12 months. Both of the other units I saw had a battery that lasts around 3 years. The Pro has the loudest ring.
The Pro is said to be water resistant while the other two are said to be waterproof.
You can use Tile from your phone to ring the item or even use Tile to find your phone. The community can be used to find things further away.
There is even a Pro (subscription) service that tells you when devices are away from you so they can be found before you lose them!
There are other sizes and shapes of Tile available so the final link for the full range and videos to show how they work.
The Tile Pro is available in four pack for £89.99 or £29.99 for a single Tile.
The Tile Essential pack is £64.99.
Details on the Tile web site