I normally steer well clear of games but there a few that interest me even at my advanced age. Card games were a staple of my youth and in my teens I used to play a mean game of Cribbage that supported a meager first wage working in a toy and sports shop. Now I have a thirst for learning that was never an option at school so knowing about things that interest me is a subject that thirty odd years ago had the name of Edutainment.
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click image to enlargeI was never a train spotter and I suppose I was lucky growing up seeing the occasional steam train and carriages that still had ladies only compartments as well as a mix of classes.
Here is a card game that can be fun and still give the players some extra knowledge.
The pack of cards is thirty different cards each featuring a train from around the world and each card shows five facts about the train.
They are Debut year, Speed, Range, Fame Ranking and Top Trumps Rating.
The cards themselves are good quality and full colour the five facts mentioned above determine who wins the round.
The top half of each card has a picture of a train the five facts form the lower part of the card ‘the best fact’ wins the round and the round winner adds all the other players top card to the bottom of his/her deck.
The game is won when one player has all the cards.
For example let’s find the fastest top card from each player and the player with the fastest wins that round.
Quite a simple game but easy to play and you learn while you play.
If trains are not your thing there are lots of other subjects from different packs.
The Top Trumps Trains game is available from Amazon, at the time of publication priced at £5.40.