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8 Nov 2007

Spend wisely this Christmas and Avoid Buying Unwanted Presents

Last year an estimated £4bn was spent on unwanted presents - the equivalent of £92 per person.  At Gadgetspeak we've seen a worrying trend of products that just won't make people happy this Christmas.  One thing we've noticed  is just how difficult it is to judge a product from it's packaging and advertising and yet this is exactly what many of you will be doing.

We're on a mission to make sure that you get totally unbiased views, so you can make the right choice.  I'll never forget the DVD game my daughter argued so heavily for one year that she spent her own pocket money on it.  It was heavily promoted on TV and piggybacked the success of another popular product. I have never seen such a disappointed little girl, the product was truly dreadful.  I tried to get her money back by saying this game was not worth the money, but because there was nothing physically wrong - we couldn't.  My daughter learnt a very valuable lesson not to trust advertising that day.

A couple of years on, and here at Gadgetspeak we will often get that same experience.  A product that is too difficult to use or just doesn't meet it's promises, like the electronic game whose only electronic bit is a recorded voice to announce the rounds of the game.  Others are just plainly badly made - look great on the packet and fall apart on opening.  Sometimes these products come from well  known brands.  In particular gadgets are sold on the back of marketing success of television characters or programmes.  There's nothing wrong with this as long as the product is great.

Take these simple steps to help make your Christmas Presents wanted presents:

  • make sure you know someone who already has the product and ask their opinion
  • check gadget review sites like Gadgetspeak
  • check the user ratings on selling sites like Amazon
  • find a shop where you can take the product out and physically play with it.

Every product that you see here on Gadgetspeak has been taken out of it's packaging and thoroughly played with by real people.  We read the manuals, test the products, and then put together our views good and bad for you to read.

As much as two thirds of your Christmas presents could end up unwanted - that's just money down the drain. Make sure you take these simple steps for a great Christmas day.

28 Sep 2007

London Games Festival - 22nd - 26 October 2007

All you gaming fans out there might be interested in the London Games Festival.  There is a variety of different events going on across London in the week of 22 - 26 October from competitions, to music, to careers in gaming, designing and playing with games.  Too much to describe in this short space - so here is the link to the dedicated website.
22 Sep 2007

AQUIVO weathers fire-hose blast in survival of the toughest!

Here's an interesting promotional video we received recently - what to do with a spare fire-hose!

In this case the intrepid fire-crew aim the high pressure hose at an LCD screen and let loose. This tough little beast takes the full impact of the best the hose can deliver unscathed!

Of course - there is a more practical application for these screens than just letting the fire brigade have a little extra practice!

With the smoking ban now firmly in place in the UK very many pubs and other venues are keen to keep hold of their clients - smokers included. One of the most common attractions of course being major sporting events, and with the Olympics once more firmly on the horizon these screens provide an ideal solution : large site LCD screens that are resistant to the best the UK weather can through at them!

Of course, whether there are enough hardened smokers out there that are as weather resistant as these screens is yet to be determined! Great for summer showers though - not sure about an English winter!

They are available in a range of sizes between 26" and 55". If you want to know more then take a look at their web-site : http://www.aquivo.co.uk 


14 Sep 2007

Cedo and Sainsbury's Encourage Composting with Free Compost Caddies Sept 07

Cedo work-top compost bin at Sainsburys
Sainsburys have teamed up with Cedo to encourage homeowners to recycle their food waste this September.  For a fortnight, starting 12th September, they will be giving away a free compost caddy to everyone who buys a roll of Sainsbury's compost caddy liners (subject to availability of course).  The initiative, is designed to help tackle Britain's 5,375,000 tons of food waste which equates to 17.6% of Britain's total house waste.   Sainsbury's point out that 87% of UK homes have gardens but only 33% of gardens have a compost facility.
I received one of these little bins this morning and it is now sitting on my worksurface.  It does come in a very unfashionable green(!) which is OK if you want to hide it under the sink, but we've hidden it in a corner!!  It's not that beautiful, but it is very useful, looks a sight prettier than the plastic veggie carton we were using before, and has a lid so the fruit flies don't get too interested in your peelings!!
The real beauty is the liner.  The compost liners are starch based and non GM, so that are totally degradable and you can pop the bag and its contents onto your compost.  If you don't have a home compost, many councils now give away composting wheelie bins, so you could pop it in there.  No excuse not to really - go on pop along to Sainsburys and grab a gadget that will make you feel good!
11 Sep 2007

Set yourself from your PC


Do you want to set yourself free from yourPC, or leave your laptop at home? With PrayayaV3,Whether you're across the street or across the globe,you can easily carry with your personal files, music files, Outlook emails, games stations, favorite Explorer, or your computing settings, etc,on a PrayayaV3Smart dirve instead of lugging around the laptop on the go.

Now loaded the PrayayaV3 software on your drive, You can Sychronize and backup  your critical date in seconds, allows you work from any PC anywhere in the world, as if it were your own,keeping your data encryped and protected. and when you finished work  with your embeded Prayay USB drive,simply remove it from the USB port of the computer, there is no trace leaving behind the host your use. Prayaya software can be found on the www.prayaya.com.

1 Aug 2006

A new boy on the block


My name is Andrew Taylor and I must admit, I think this website is tremendously interesting to someone such as myself.

Although I am sixty-seven years of age, I just love playing with "toys" and, since I descovered eBay, am even making a little money. Buying low, and, through my wordiong of the auction, selling high. I buy a gadget, play with it for a month or two, and then sell it on, to another big baby :-)

My wife is also a lot happier.

I used to be an IT Journalist so am reasonably technically minded, but prefer to write in simple laymens terms. I also used to be the editor of Connectivity so some of the older amongst you may remember me.

I will write reviews of between an A4 page to 3 A4 pages, and will use the blog for shorter descriptions and any new gear I see around.

I don't mind publishing my email if people want to wrote to me and, although I have excellent anti-spam facilities, I don't tempt providence so my address is andrew (dot) taylor (at) veritasparty (dot) com.

I hope to be back often.

Andrew Taylor.

7 Aug 2007


So with all that gadget buying you might be thinking about how to reduce your impact on the environment.  We all want to live comfortably and have the things we want, but there are lots of ways in which we can reduce our footprint without forgoing our favourite toys. 
I've come across this website http://www.globalcool.org/ which helps you to work out how taking certain actions, like turning off your computer at night, and switching to low energy lightbulbs, will reduce your CO2 emissions.  The aim of the website is to achieve a billion tonne reduction in CO2 by getting people to commit to actions which will reduce their individual contribution by one tonne.
OK that sounds all a bit complicated, but actually it's a very easy site to use and very interesting to be able to see how you as an individual can make a difference.  There's a little calculator which works all this out for you.  All you do is go through the suggested actions and click which changes you might find easy in your life.  The calculator works out how many tonnes of C02 you will save.
A fun and friendly site and it all helps!
2 Aug 2007

Get PrayayaV3 For your flash drive

A new generation of USB Smart drives are born in an era of increasing mobility and increased security risk for important data. Today USB Drives have the ability to install and run your favorite personized program from any computer,anywhere in the world, including Sync Files& Folders , Anti-virus, Emails, Internet Browsers,games,Photo organizers, Video Players, Music Players, Video players, Backup&Restore, Internet browsers, Telephony(Skype), Real-time Messenger(QQ/MSN) , as well as Data Secutiy(Encrption),online Bank USB key.

PrayayaV3 Smart Platform delivery the promise of the new generation of USB Flash drives with the above features.In fact, PrayayaV3 Smart Platform is like a mini Operating System running on the portable devices that can sit comfortably on the end of your key ring, and surporting hundreds of software that can run off a drive once insertion on any Windows-based computer with USB port.

The concept of carrying one's favored applications, utilities, and files on a portable drive for use on any computer is one which has evolved considerably in recent years.PrayayaV3 keeps your personal informntion at yoour fingertip.Once you have an embeded Prayaya USB drive, All what you need to do is clicking on your mouse wiht you fingertips . then you will have your your prferance, MSN, QQ, SKPE,Express Outlook, Antivirus software, and more -----everything you need for a familiar computing experiance on any PC you encounterred.

PrayayaV3 allows you to easily to Transfer and Store your key documents, Picutures, music&vedeo files, Receive&Send Emails anywher you are. And also you can Encrypte your file,Save your valued information in hte Encryption Partition, Sync file, Organize & Edit your files, Surf in the internet, Play games, Chat with friends through the Internet , Make voice and video calls from PC to PC anywhere in hte world.

When you finished work with PrayayaV3 device, All you persoanl data are private and secure: nothing leave behind the host you used when you unplug your USB dirve from PC.

In addition, PrayayaV3 platform is offered in a variety capacity of USB flash drives, taking up about 4MB on the drive. While security conscious buyers will be pleased by the restricted oportunity to access. With PrayayaV3 Platfrom embeded on your drive, only you can access your personal files or programs with password.

6 Apr 2007


I am unable to locate the Instruction manual for this TV. IS thier any chance you can guide us how can we get one??
1 Nov 2006

Sony PS3 hits the UK - well a couple have!

We're off to The Best of Stuff show this weekend where we're promised the chance to play with this long-awaited and much hyped product. Maybe we'll see you there?

With Sony having to delay European shipments until after the 2006  Christmas season coupled with the Nintindo Wii launch on 8th December I imagine Sony will be eager to persuade potential customers to wait, and that the wait will be worth it! Pop along to the show in London and take a look for yourselves, and then come back to GadgetSpeak and tell us what you think!