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CorelDRAW X3
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X3 is another way of saying 13 unfortunately their hybrid version - why not XIII - seemed not to help with the launch. London Zoo on a summers afternoon is very pleasant, London Zoo on a cold January evening with tube problems is not. However the problems did not end there as the whole launch was built around chameleons and the London Zoo one went and died the day before the launch.
In the early days Corel became famous for the amount of clip art and fonts they provided, this was the very early days of Windows and while there were other graphic packages nothing came anywhere near CorelDRAW.
Version X3 has 40 new features and over 400 enhancements. For anyone serious about creating and manipulating graphics then CorelDRAW is certainly a product you will use.
The install ran smoothly it said I would need 470MB of hard disc space and I used 468MB that I can assure you is pleasant to be told the correct amount. It will only run on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. While it states as minimum requirements a Pentium III 600MHz system and 256MB of RAM, I would suggest you double those figures the monitor requirement of 1024x768 may still trouble some users.
There are four applications included, CorelDRAW X3, Corel PowerTRACE X3, Corel Photo-PAINT X3 and Corel CAPTURE X3. PowerTRACE is a new product. There is also an new applet Pixmantec RawShooter Essentials.
The box contains 10,000 digital clipart images, 1,000 font styles and 50 Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) fonts, there are also 100 creative templates. CorelDRAW is one of a few products that still ship with a manual, but should you prefer there is also an online guide. Finally for those new - or newish - to CorelDRAW there are training videos that show the best - easiest - way to do certain things.
CorelDRAW has always been intuitive to use, the help has always been helpful and now certain tasks have been made ?one touch'. Reading the on screen menus is hardly something most will think helpful but new features are highlighted so even someone with years of experience can quickly try them and possibly learn a better - quicker - way to perform a task.
CorelDRAW is truly a product to handle both small and large tasks, create a logo easily and quickly, make a web page the sort that people look at and then at the other extreme produce multi page marketing or sales brochures. As an example turning a bitmap into a vector image is simple with the package, in other packages it is certainly not easy and in a lot of cases impossible.
PDF is the format a lot of people demand today and Corel can not only work with them but also allow users to set security options, something very important when you work out the amount of time some complex designs can take to create.
CorelDRAW 13 is available from dealers and online, my Internet searches found it at £278.37 . If you own an earlier version you are entitled to an upgrade at a reduced price this I found for £150.76 at the same place. The cheapest way to purchase it is if you qualify for a Student and Teacher version - I do not know if this has exactly the same content - for £71.12 from the second link, you would have to check that you qualify as a Student or Teacher but if you do it's very cheap. For lots more info try the Corel link. then scroll down to CorelDRAW. to | Digg this review |
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