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The Bizarre Bookshop
This premium puzzle has the Ravensburger softclick technology so if the pieces do not seem to fit they certainly are not meant to go with each other. A Landscape offering roughly 70x50cm and its such an intriguing image.
In outline it is a four column five row set of rustic bookshelves however while the shelves have a lot of books they also have other weird things on them, I counted more than ten dwellings of various sorts a cold frame various vegetables and other items definitely not found on your normal bookshelves. The more you look the more you see.
However it is the names of the various books that sound like famous offerings but are not quite. Items such as Lady Chatterley’s Rover, One Flew Over the Snooker Rest, Gone With The Woodwind and 20,000 Leeks Under The Sea to name but four.
A brand new puzzle for 2010 that should just about be available by the time you read this, the box includes a biography of the artist Colin Thompson and an additional image for your reference. Great for those who love meaningful puzzles.
The Bizarre Bookshop 19 226 7 should be available from dealers of from the link below with a best price of £11.93 including delivery.
Details on the Revensburger web-site
World Map 1594
For those who really like a challenge this 1500 piece Landscape puzzle is one to make you excel. It is 80x60cm in size and has the Ravensburger Premium Puzzle SoftClick Technology so if it does not fit perfectly it should not go there.

click image to enlarge
With the proliferation of shades of pale blue this is one mere mortals – like me – pull out what hair we have left.
This Petro Plancio map of 1594 looks vastly different to one penned recently as vast parts of the southern hemisphere were not yet discovered.
The illustrations around the outside of the landscape pattern do give you some chance of completing the puzzle.
The only way I could see to complete the two large circles was to find the numbered yellow band and then try to fill from there. Very different to finding the outsides that of course have one straight edge to help you out.
I await with interest what reader patootie thinks as he/she seems to enjoy being bewildered by the various puzzles I stumble over.
Doing my Internet searches found the Ravensburger World Map 1594 16 381 6 at a best price of £11.98 including delivery from the first link below, it should also be available from dealers.