This is a multi function unit including fax. However for something that scans, copies, prints and sends and receives faxes it is very very small. Finally it is also an telephone answering machine and just for a bonus it can also read most types of photo cards.
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The Brother MFC 620-CN measures 36x33x14cm and weights not a great deal. However perhaps far more important the four ink cartridges are of a good size.
The setup is software first and you only plug in and switch on when told to. I would suggest that you remove the numerous amount of packing and sticky tape first and then install the cartridges and attach a USB lead to the unit leaving the end to go to the PC unconnected as Brother units actually fit the USB lead inside the case so while it is open to fit cartridges is a good time. The actual software install is reasonably quick and once the point is reached to switch on etc, plug in, and all should be fine.
This is a unit that needs to be left on as time and date are lost after a switch off. There is a power save mode and the unit is unable to be used for printing, copying or scanning when in that state, but recovery from that situation is a lot quicker than a restart after removing the unit from mains power.
There are a total of 31 buttons plus a four position disc on the face of the unit as well as a 5x2cm LCD display. An initial read of the manual will have you up to speed with what they all do.
In standalone mode - without the PC turned on - it can be used as a copier and it can send and receive faxes. Also it can print direct from nine types of photo cards.
Once the PC is on it can do everything mentioned above and also print from the PC and scan images either using the flatbed or through the page feeder. With the printing of images directly from the photo card you print out an index sheet giving full details of each image and then you key in the image numbers, by default it will print 15x10cm images.
This is the sort of unit that would appeal to a 'Soho' user and especially one with little space and only one phone line. I cannot think of any other MFU unit with fax and telephone answering machine.
When I first attached it I found the lack of an on/off switch a pain but for those wanting to use it as a fax then this makes sense as even when the PC is off you can still receive. The 'Power Save' button cuts the things it can do in that mode but does save date and time and perhaps importantly is ready to receive that fax at 3AM.
Printing is claimed at up to 20PPM in black, I managed 10PPM printing real pages and while the draft mode is certainly grey it is readable. As a standalone copier it is possible to enlarge to 400% and reduce to 25%, both of these functions are not possible on my basic photocopier and of course this unit can also copy in colour.
The price at is £171.52, I usually mention at least a few of the specs but check them all either on the Dabs site link or direct from the Brother link.
Comment by Tom, 9 Feb 2009 9:21