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Scales, Kitchen and Bathroom
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Salter Mix ‘n’ Measure Cook’s Scale
Two simple pieces, a scale that can measure 10kilos and a wide stainless steel bowl to fit on the scale, you can even use it without the bowl to weight difficult items of strange shapes.
First the bowl 7.5cm across at the base and 25cm across at the top, it is strong and with no corners easy to clean as well.
The scale is 21x16x6cm maximum. Apart from the display angled at 45degrees at the front the rest is only 3cm tall. Again no edges so it wipes clean with ease. Mine was white so should go with most kitchen designs.
There are two silvered buttons below the circular 6cm dial.
The button on the left allows you to change between kl, lb, ml and fl.on at a sequential touch. The button on the right turns the scale on, zeros and off again in a sequential movement, this is ideal if you sometime do not use the supplied bowl.
It runs on three ‘AA’ batteries that fit into the base of the scale. When on the scale displays a blue background with black numerals these are 1.5cm tall and form a single line across the centre of the display with a single letter below to remind you which mode of measurement you are in.
There is a multi language Instruction Book but I doubt anyone will require it.
These are excellent kitchen scales and ideal for when you are using old recipes with weights in ounces and for some young people seeing 2 and 3/8 ounces displayed might be a little daunting but if the receipt is in ounces it saves conversion to grams and the potential for costly errors.
This is an excellent easy to clean scale and while it says up to 10 kilos I have weighted far more.
The Salter Mix ‘n’ Measure Cook’s Scale is available from the link below for £29.50 with free delivery.
Salter UST Glass Analyser Scale
These are far more than a standard set of bathroom scales. Once switched on a small electrical impulse Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA) is passed through the body so it is important to have bare feet when you use this scale.
It calculates your weight, body fat, total body water and from this can give your BMI.
The scale keeps records for up to four people and when you use them you tap the scale to state which of the four you are.
There is a multi language Instruction Manual that has the first ten pages in English. While this has ample instructions and illustrations to set it up it keeps referring to ‘Set’, all that is visible from the front of the scale are ‘Low’, ‘Normal’ and ‘High’ in front of the three buttons under the glass scale. However if you get the light just right ‘Set’ can be seen on the middle button but it is impressed white on white so perhaps not the easiest thing to read. Once you understand it means you to press the middle button everything is easy.
The scale is 30x30x2.5cm thick and needs a solid surface to work on so not a carpet or mat.
Salter give this scale a 15 year guarantee, it runs on a 3volt watch/clock battery.
The Salter UST Glass Analyser Scale is available from the link below for £20 with free delivery.
The full range of Salter products can be seen on .
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